Jun 23, 2011 13:04
Xedrik: So, I had a caller ranting and raving about his #^#$% copier not ^#$% scanning like it's supposed to.
Xedrik: so ran him thru some basic checks which he barely had patience for, no dice
Xedrik: he was very rude and insisted on a tech. i told him i could have a tech come and see him tomorrow, as we are booked today, and besides it'd be $150 to show up. That made him blow his top
Xedrik: so he hangs up on me and calls back about 15 mins later demanding to speak to the manager. I said that's me, and he said F#CK!! and slams the phone down
Xedrik: and calls -back- about 2 mins later, trying to, i kid you not, disguise his voice. I go "Thanks for calling back, Steve. Would you like to continue troubleshooting your issue now?" He says, "This isn't Steeeeeve... This is... Steve's boss! John!"
Xedrik: I'm barely keeping from laughing at this point
Xedrik: So I just roll with it, Okay John, here we go
NinjaDeathFerret: hahahaha
Xedrik: Ultimately, I have him open an explorer window and try to browse to the SMB share he's trying to scan to, Access Denied. It's not a copier issue, it's a folder permissions issue. Turns out Steve---er, I mean John, deleted a bunch of user accounts, including the one called Samsung, which the copier was using for authentication, and which was the only user with permissions on that folder.
NinjaDeathFerret: haha
Xedrik: I swear though, it was practically "Helloooo, my name is Mister Burns. I believe you have a letter for me..."
NinjaDeathFerret: xD
NinjaDeathFerret: man, you NEED to get a digital recorder hooked up to your phone line