
Apr 14, 2011 13:28

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Wow, talk about a hiatus, huh? One would think nothing of note occurred during the month of August; that RUWF and her family and friends found themselves in a stalemate as the culmination of summer crept upon us. Well, I apologize to have led you all astray these past few weeks because, to the contrary, there have been a number of point changes and highlights worthy of bringing to your attention.

For starters, Liana, prego with her second dose of "trouble", and Marley returned to the east coast, which included a visit to Wolfeboro with Mars' Nana (Mama Sue), Pop-pop, Nan, Aunty D, Great-Aunt Bella, Robbie, Sam & Misty and 2nd cousin Ariana. Mars explored the trampoline with Ari (allotting time between bounces to offer some sound jumping advice), indulged in Nan's famous hand-picked blueberry muffins (hand-picked muffins, now that would be something), challenged Pop-pop to a face-off (that 18+ month old jaw has to be double jointed), and practiced delivering her favorite words: baby, Ahwie (Ari), mama, dowwwwn and di-di (Zoey).

Speaking of Zoe-bear, Mama Sue and Franko have become her new proud care-takers. For those unfamiliar with Zoey, Jamie and Liana's first baby, she is part black Lab, part Doberman and, I'm no mathematician, but I'm going with 110% lap dog.

Soon after Liana and Mars' departure, Owen also decided to fly 3000+ miles to pay New England a visit (just to even the stakes). The Brit got tossed into the fire but, not surprisingly, no manipulation was necessary to achieve a roaring end product. Together, Owen and I managed to successfully check off the Cape, Boston, Cambridge, Milton, Wolfeboro, NH, Arlington, VT, and the Berkshires (including a town named after Owen's heritage: Lee) in 5 days. On the second day of our road trip, Owen received a call from his brother in England notifying him of his new official uncle status. Jane delivered a healthy girl, Megan Ann, on August 20th, who could be found days later with a Red Sox teddy by her side. A girl after our own hearts, eh? But before Uncle O hopped his flight to London, he had won the hearts of more than one Bostonian. Parents, aunts, roommates, high school and uni friends, as well as a select few PTown goers, were shocked that RUWF unearthed such a gem and are already requesting an encore visit. Is a person considered a legend if he continues to be the subject of many a conversation weeks after he is removed from the scene? Thais, Marc and I are headed to Italy over Thanksgiving to verify that this label holds true (and maybe do some leather goods shopping and pizza consuming, but that's just on the side!).

In other news, long-time good friend Lauren Bowe announced her engagement to Dan Hover yesterday morning! Without questions (or complaints), Lauren was awoken at 5:30 to take a bike ride to the nearby beach in Salem. The pier on which they perched, the beach from which the rocks escaped and the expanse of water into which the rocks emerged, were absent of people and extraneous noises. Dan presented Lauren with a hand written heartfelt poem as well as a BEAUTIFUL ring for her to wear always. Congratulations Lauren and Dan!
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