Oct 09, 2006 14:13
This weekend was pretty fun. Friday I had to leave work early because I got sick from my stupid Parkinson's Disease medicine again. So I went home and slept. Then when I woke up, I played Saints Row with Sam for a while and Marina called me to ask if I could pick her up from work because she didn't have a ride. She played on my weakness for the image of my friends hitchhiking, so of course, I picked her up. We came back to my place and just hung out for a while, then later we had some people over, the usual: Heather, Matt, Ivan, Ellie, Bill, John, Craig, Shaneen, ya know, the whole crew. Did some drinking, it was fun. Sean came to pick up Marina because I was drinking and he stayed for a while, that was, well, awkward. Anyway the best thing about the nite is how Matt and I fuckin' rocked at beer Pong. We beat Heather and Brandi twice, both times they were talking shit saying how much better they were than us. Then we beat Sam and Danni. Then we were playing Sam and Trey and we were tied but the game got canceled due to people running down the street that I had to go catch.
Then Saturday morning Shaneen and I went to Costco to get pizza, cause it's fuckin' tasty. Then we went to Craig's and watched Derailed, damn good movie. Then that nite I went to the Fear Farm with Craig, Shaneen, Todd, and Todd's friends from school. It was alright, I don't think it was worth the $25 I paid, but it was still funny to see Shaneen scream and run away dragging Craig by his arm. I liked the Scream Park from last year a lot better, we're going to that one in a couple weeks. Then after that Todd, Craig, Shaneen, and Todd's friend Sonny all came with me to my house to drink a bit. Was pretty fun. Sonny was glued to the TV while playing Saints Row, ha. Then I took Todd and Sonny to Todds and went home and passed out.
And Sunday I left at like 2 or 3 to pick up Todd, woke him up and then we went to pick up Sonny, wow, his parents are so rich, first off we get there, they own their own limo, his mom drives a nice luxury expedition and his dad drives a huge ass lifted excursion, and inside it's all nice and rich looking, it's a fuckin badass house, I was jealous. Then we all went to sonic and while we were there we saw this girl Edith who Todd and I have talked to the last couple times we've seen her there, she's cool. She was talking to me through the speaker on the menu, it was pretty cool, She's my inside connection to Sonic. Then we went and picked up Zack and went to chandler mall, was pretty fun there. Todd, Zack, and Sonny all together at a mall is crazy, and fun. Then we stopped by Amados for food and then to take Sonny home. Then we headed to Zack's and hung out there for a bit, then went to my house and watched Can't Hardly Wait which I haven't seen in forever. Then I took them to Todd's and came home and watched Mirrormask and passed out, and now I'm gonna be late for work.