I have no excuse (other than laziness) for not posting much recently. So, I'll bring back the ol' Random Thoughts to put my thoughts out...
- The dent on my truck is gonna cost $650. My insurance deductible is $500. Forget about it. I bought some touch-up paint to smooth it over until I save money sometime later.
- It's May. It's kind of weird to be thinking about it right now, but... Becky and I will be gone by this time next year. We only have a year left in Louisville.
- I think I did well on my servicewide exam, possibly well enough to get promoted in February or March. Test results aren't out yet, so I shouldn't get too excited, but I really feel I'll be a Chief next year.
- I've been thinking of California a lot lately. I really miss it. I want to go back to San Diego so bad it makes me twitch. Barring that, I want to be in the Bay Area. I'm pretty sure we'll end up in California next year.
- Go Jazz! They'll probably lose to the Spurs, but hey... back to the Western Conference Finals after a 3 year playoff drought! Not too shabby.
- My mom's gonna be here in a couple weeks. She'll be here for up to 6 weeks. That makes me twitchy.
- When did Maxim magazine get so friggin' lame? When it first came out 10 years ago it was a lot of fun, but now... it's just crap.
- Why did my damn cat pee on my gym bag??
- I think I'm more of a street biker than a mountain biker. Yeah.
That's about all I can come up with. I should watch my scary Netflix movie now, since Becky won't watch it with me...
gotta love XM's 80s channel...