Haha, I'm at School!

Jan 03, 2006 09:18

Nobody likes that I have an LJ, but you can update this thing at school while xanga and myspace are blocked. :D I think that's enough of a reason to have one, even if I didn't like it better than xanga. Myspace, though.. worth trying, maybe. Who knows?

Okay, so you know what I'm starting to get reobsessed with? Starcraft. Good game that I had always sucked at. I'm getting a little better, but I'm still challenged in noobie games. Oh well, it's still fun. Practice makes perfect, so I'm bound to get better soon. I've played enough. Maybe I'll go google some good zerg strategies... I bet that would help.

Other than that... nothing too monumental. I'm comfortably unbusy. Crucible rehearsals start on the 10th, though, and that's sure to mess up my schedule. But it's worth it for the lead. ;) I have added a resolutio, too; be better at returning calls. Because right now I suck at that.

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