Nov 01, 2004 20:38
100 Questions for YOU!
What is your favorite:
1. Gum: Spearmint; or Grapermelon Juicyfruit!
2. Restaurant: it was friendlys since i was like four, but Chilli's is "soo the new frienlys"=P
3. Drink: water, love it<3
4. Season: winter, sometimes summer. depends on my mood
5. Type of weather: the calm fall days, where its not windy but not cold... jusssssst right
6. Emotion: Lust, considering i dont know what falling in love is yet
7. Thing to do on a half day: sleep.. rent movies.. bumb out
8. Late night activity: going for walks, playing my guitar, aim, phones better
9. Sport: lacrosse all the wayyy baby
10. City: hm, new york city?
11. Store: PAC SUN
12. When was the last time you Cried: hm, three days ago
13. Played a sport: the last time i was actually on a team, man that would be may of this year?
14. Laughed: 10 seconds ago. gotta love the shit dave comes up with
15. Hugged someone: uhm, today, when i tackled my beautiful sister
16. Kissed someone: hm, actually kissed someone, would be my last boyfriend i guess. or was it? tehe<3
17. Felt depressed: two days ago
18. Felt stressed: earlier today
19. Faked sick: about a week ago
20. Lied: hm.. i dont lie really, small white lies here and there maybe, nothing big. probably the last time i told a friend she had nothing in her teeth or something stupid like that
21. What was the last Word you said: doing
22. Last Thing you ate: does hot chocolate count? hm.. mash potatos!
23. Song you listened to the most: hm, i keep replaying taste of tears by cauterize, no, actually the entire cauterize cd is being replayed over and over for the past two days or so.
25. Last Movie you rented: white chicks - wayne brothes = fucking funny shit!
26. Last Movie you saw: white chicks asshole
28. Last person you Hugged: um, my loving sister<3 outside of the house.. i think that would be dave when i said bye 2 him 2 get on my bus? yeah sure..
29. Cried over: do i really have too say that, ah, who gives, yes.. over angelina
30. Kissed anyone Recently: none of you're bizzziiinesss
31. Last person you Talked to: daves complaining for me too talk to me.. lalala
32. Shared a secret with: dave? lmao why does his name come up in every fricken question
33. Had a sleep over with: noelley<3 my baby!
34. person you Called: the - hoe moe -
35. Went to a movie with: pamela... the grude.. our semi-lesbian experience hahah
36. Last person you Saw: my sister.. sitting her lazy butt on the computer playing a comp game. the sims is it?
37. Were angry with: many people...
38. Couldn't take your eyes off of: hehehe.. my lunch table knows who that is<3
39. Obsessed over: my last boyfriend
40. Have you ever Danced in the rain: oh my god.. i want to do that now.. rain bitch rainnnnnn.. i think i have done that though.. when i was like 7 with angelina we put on our swinsuits and ran out in the rain.. don ask me why.. i think our parents did something 2 us when we were little haha
41. Kissed someone: how many times u gunna ask this question? i dont even remember lmfao
42. Done drugs: never... drugs = dirtbags = dirty people = people im not normally friends with
43. Drank alcohol: ehh.. abouta month or so ago
44. Partied 'til the sun came up: hahaha.. cant wait til saturday!
45. Had a movie marathon: aw i miss those.. since summer time
46. Gone too far on a dare: ohh godd.. i dont even knowhm
47. Spun until you were immensely dizzy: omg i do that all the time
48. Taken a survey quite like this before: this is definately a new one
49. Name: Nicole
50. Gender: Female
51. Birthday: october fifth
52. Relationship status: single, and wishing the right boy would come along and sweet me off my fucking feet 8)
53. Location: newyorkiie, in my house
54. Preference: pref 2 what? il just say, hm. i like tall guys, not really tall
55. I'm feeling: slightly tired, and my cheek is itchy, i think a mosquito jus bit me cause i saw one flying somewhere i my room before
56. I'm listening to: finally changed it, finch - what it is to burn
57. I'm doing: this fucking survey
58. I'm talking to: dave.. yes hes stil complain
59. I'm craving: chilli's choc. cake thing
60. I'm thinking of: that one special boy.. who doesnt even exist yet.
61. I'm hating: longlost friends, imature bullshit
62. I'm longing for: love
63. I'm Touching: the keyboard?
64. Love is: un definable, it has no definiation, its a feeling, which is differnet for everyone who experiences it
65. My first love: mike donack
66. My current love: nobody <3
67. Love or lust: love
68. Best love song: the starting line - nothings gunna stop us now. best breakup love song - killing me - cauterize
69. Is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same
time: no, its not. its possible to be in lust with more then one person,but not love
70. When love hurts: work your hardest to fix it, if its love, its worth the pain in the end
71. Is there such thing as love @ first sight? yes there is, moreso lust, but that lust can turn into love overtime
72. Turn ons: shaggy undone hair, light werid colored eyes, guys who have something differnt about them, guys who can play guitar, write music, skate/snowboard
73. Turn offs: drugs, smoking, conceided guys, guys who think of girls as a peice of ass, liars,2faced
74. Does your parents opinion on your b/f matter to you: yes it does. i love my parents
75. What kind hairstyle are you into: i like curly hair lately. don't know why. sometimes il wear it straight if im feeling kind of lazy. my hair depends on my mood ah-dur!
76. What is the sweetest thing a guy can do for you: mike went too all of my classes on valentines day before me, and left a rose on my desk, at the end of the day i had 8 red roses to bring home.. awww
77. Where do you go to meet new people: anywhere really, new poeple are everywhere, what depends if it i actually want too meet them
78. Are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers: i dont know about 'holla' at them, but if i see someone and there fricken cute, oh yes i will get his number.
79. Dog or cat: doggie
80. Short or long hair: depends on the person
81. Sunshine or rain: both.. pref. rain
82. Hugs or kisses: kisses.. and some hugs =P
83. Summer or winter: winter
84. Written letters or e-mails: written letters
85. Playstation or Nintendo: playstation
86. Car or motorcycle: motorcycle
87. House party or club: club
88. Sing or dance: sing.. dance.. hmm depends on my mood
89. Freak or slow dance: LOL WHAT?
90. Smoke or Drink: drink only occasionaly, never smoke
91. Shoes or Sandals: hm. both.. because yano sometimes i wear sandels in the winter ..
92. Mom or Dad: mom.. i love her<3
93. Single or taken: i wish i was taken.. im single for now
94. How are you today: just dandy, and youself?
95. What pants are you wearing right now: light grey sweatpants
96. What shirt are you wearing right now: black tanktop
97. What does your hair look like at the moment?: up straight in a ponytail
98. What song are you listening to right now: brand new - mix tape
99. Latest Plans: hm, nothing ver the week, the weeks always boring, fri. might go2 a party with dave, sat is taras sweet 16
100. Last thoughts: i love you sweetums, my new friend john is really kickass. and i love you too baby !
leave some comments, the journals getten lonely!