Today is that special day..

Aug 30, 2010 23:58

      Happy 27th Birthday to my Ichiban (in Arashi) !!

I love you. I love you.

Why didn't I notice you before?
Why did it take me awhile to see that your sexyness was just WOW? Did that just rhyme?
Shame on me.
How could I have ignored such a man?

I mean really, HOW COULD III...

Sorry, spiralyte for the nosebleed. Nah, I'm not.
Again, Happy Birthday to my other darling. Celebrated it early (with above named user) with lovely yummylicious brownies and a Natsuniji marathon that was not finished. We couldn't resist the appearances of the other members, BUT I was paying more attention to him. DUH.
There will be a MASTER POST about that day. It was too funny not to talk about it...
His birthday may have passed (in Japan and in about 2 minutes from where I live), HOWEVER, the week isn't over.
Expect picspamming and complete fangirling.


happy birthday; jun; arashi

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