Jul 26, 2010 16:29

Oh my god~ Someone does love me 'cause I have been SAVED...

My internet has been dead for the past TWO weeks. I was so close to literally pulling my hair out. So desperate it's not even funny. I'm so glad I have text AND a whole bunch of lovely NEWS and Arashi videos to watch. It was the only thing keeping me sane. I have a lot of catching up to do since I have been MIA.

What I love is that I found out amazing, wonderful NEWS; emphasis on the NEWS. They are finally having a concert! At least, now we know they are still together and are having group activities. I just hope they'll be releasing new singles, lol. I want Arashi's album, but can't buy it 'cause it is too expensive for me at the moment. Maybe later on, when I think I'm money worthy, I'll buy it.. MatsuJun's drama has begun. Still undecisive whether or not I should download it. Most likely I would. Can't ignore him XD

School is driving me crazy! I have to finish a project which is due tomorrow. And to top it all off, some retards who I CANNOT stand have no idea how to do an APA paper. I mean, seriously? It's not that hard. I thought to myself: Why the hell are they even studying? They're such ding dong freaks. If I wouldn't have been absent, someone was going to get a piece of my mind. Because of those idiots I have to fix everything. Totally unfair.

Anyways, I'm off to finish it before I end up getting too distracted and not do anything.... I'm starting to think that I have A.D.D. LOL.


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