Ask HanChul! Ep.8

Jul 12, 2009 14:54

Title: Ask HanChul! Ep.8
Pairings: HanChul with KyuMin to watch
Co-hosts: Petal and Tishi
Rating: PG-13
Warning: A little talk about SoRiku(a yaoi couple in Kingdom Hearts) which is a bore, sorry about that. Also, some language!

Ask HanChul! Episode 8, go!

Petal: Hey everyone! Welcome to Ask HanChul!

Heechul: Umm, Drama Queen, where's Tishi?

Hankyung: I haven't seen her.

Petal: Well, I haven't seen her ei--*~It's the principal of pleasure (oh) It's the principal of pleasure (ooh)~*
(Answers cellphone) Hello....Oh, hi Tishi....Ummm.......Okay......So........YOU'RE WHAT!!

(Petal gets a ladder that came out of nowhere and walks outside.)

Heechul: What is she doing with a ladder?

Hankyung: I have no idea.

(Shouting is heard in the background and the KyuMin couple went in the studio.)

Sungmin: Hi everyone!

Kyuhyun: If you're wondering what's happening out there, .....*laughs hard*

HanChul: Huh?

Sungmin: Oh, Tishi is sitting on a tree branch about nine feet off the ground and Petal is trying to get her, while yelling at her that the show has already started and that she is on a tree.

(A SoRiku yaoi doujinshi is thrown in the studio and Tishi was chasing after it, Petal in tow.)

Petal: Now that we have Tishi in the studio, let's go back to the show!

Tishi: (Reads doujinshi) SoRiku! SoRiku! SoRiku!

Heechul: Petal, I have to ask. What the hell is SoRiku?!

Petal: A yaoi couple in the Kingdom Hearts series, a game made by Square Enix. Anyways, let's get on with the que--!


Petal: What now?!

Tishi: End...Sora...Riku...smut..KYAAA!!

Petal: Girl, I know, I've read the doujinshi before. Anyways, let's get on with the questions! The first one is from(opens up an evelope and reads it) yuei_vuisaki!


1.HEECHUL TOP TONIGHT?? *grinnedwickedly* come hankyung had ass but heecul didnt?? is that also means hankyung bottoms?? XDDD

Petal: Take it away boys! I'm feeling tired!

Heechul: How come?

Sungmin: Want me to make you some pumpkin soup?

Petal: Been too tired doing a summer ELA assignment and pumpkin thank you.

Tishi: Hey Petal!(Hands Petal a cup of 'hot chocolate' ) Drink this! It's hot chocolate!

Petal: (Accepts the 'hot chocolate' ) Thanks Tishi! (Drinks the cup)

Heechul: Okay, like whenever I punish Hannie, his punishment is that I top. Oh, on the previous question, he does have little kamo butt.*Wink Wink*

Hankyung: Chullie! *Sighs* Okay, on the second question, Chullie does have an ass. No, I don't bottom every night.

Heechul: Just the nights that he gets punish!

Hankyung: On the third one, WE WILL get married....I just don't know when...

Heechul: We're together for a long time and he still didn't propose!

Tishi: How come this sounds like "The Nanny"?

Petal/Sungmin: ~The nanny named Fran~ *Pose*(A spotlight shows on them)

HanChul: O.O....What just happen?

Tishi: Okay....that was random....

Kyuhyun: Seriously...(raises eyebrow)

Petal: OMG!! Like seriously! Ijustlovetowatchthatshow! Someofthepartswereshockingbutotherswerefunny!

HanChul/Tishi/Kyuhyun: O.O......what?

Heechul: What did you gave her?

Tishi: Well, I gave her a fraccupino(sp?)..hehehe....

Hankyung: Ai-ya......

Petal: Okay, like OMG, like, here's the last question, like, from(opens up an envelope and reads it) hangeng4ever!

geng and chul, thank you so much for answering all my questions *bows*

i have more questions for you:
1. both of you want to have a peaceful life with each other and have some're both big celebrities, how are you going to achieve a life without the medias and millions of fans? and how many kids would you like to have? any gender preferences?
2. im sure you were both being sarcastic with your answers on my 2nd heechul, you want geng to show his love for you on would you like him to do that? and geng, you're jealous that heechul is aggressive towards other guys on stage...did you ever give heechul an ultimatum to stop what he was doing?
3. the tiger and the blue bird answers were awesome guys. thanks for being such sports and answering nonsense questions which turned out to received such interesting replies^^

til next time. thanks hanchul couple and thank you petal *bows*

Tishi: Wait a minute! Before you answer those questions...(hits Petal on the head and gives her a bottle of Dr. Pepper)...Okay, continue!

Hankyung: Well, it's gonna be hard, but we'll go through!

Heechul: I don't know how many kids we'll have...well, since Taemin from SHINee is like our child, or dreamchild, I guess we want like more than two, but less than ten!

Petal: (Recovered from her surgar rush and drinking her Dr. Pepper) Less than ten kids! Like how much? Eight.

Heechul: *Smiles* Nine!

Petal and Tishi: Ta loco!

Hankyung: I really don't care what gender our kids are! I just don't want them to be anything like Heechul!

Heechul: Hardy-har-har...anyways! I want Hannie to, just for one, make out with me on stage!

Petal: Or just let him f**k you on stage.

Heechul: Or I'll just go with Petal's idea!

Hankyung: Ultimatum stop....? Well, no, I just let him do what he wants, but it causes scandals! I'll try to stop him next time, or just punish him.

Petal: Or just f**k him on stage!

Tishi: (Hits Petal on the head) Can you stop with that!

Petal: What?! I really wanna see them do that! Anyways, your welcome! I'm sure HanChul is replying to your thanks yous right now! HanChul....


Petal: Oh yeah! I recognized another yaoi couple! It's 2Min or TaeMinho!

Heechul: Wait a minute! Taemin has a boyfriend!

Petal: Ummm...kinda....I don't know...but I hope it's Minho!

Heechul: WHAT!! SO MINHO IS TRYING TO MOLEST OUR CHILD!! HE IS DEAD!!(Storms out of the studio)

Tishi: Where is he going?

Petal: He's going to go beat up Minho. (Looks at KyuMin and Hankyung) three better go stop Heechul before he creats another scandal.

(KyuMin and Hankyung ran out of the studio to stop Heechul.)

Tishi: .........I'm bored!

Petal: Me, too.....Wanna watch some 2Min fanvideos?!

Tishi: YAOI!! YEAH!!

Petal: Wait a minute! We have to end the episode! This is the end of episode 8 of Ask HanChul!

Tishi: Remember, you can ask more than one question, but less than five!

Petal and Tishi: See ya next time!

w/ tishi, hanchul, ask hanchul!

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