Nov 26, 2006 23:58
i started the master cleanse this morning at midnight.
it all begins with a cup of laxative tea. the tea doesn't taste bad at all. lemony and minty.
i woke up this morning feeling just fine. i didn't feel the tea really affected me.
when i woke up i drank the quart of sea salt water. it was disgusting and my water was cold from being in the fridge so it kept giving me brain freeze. the idea is to drink as much as you can as fast as you can. it seriously goes straight through you.
i decided to leave the house a few hours later and venture to Manhattan. i made my maple syrup/lemon/cayenne pepper drink. surprisingly it's made me not hungry. while being in the city there was a bucket of candy at the shop i was at. i grabbed for the laffy taffy, but i quickly realized i CAN"T EAT ANYTHING! haha it almost slipped my mind. whew
so now i'm home. i drank a whole bottle of the lemonade and now i'm on my 2nd for the night. had two glasses of green tea.
being in the city with all the smells and seeing people with all the food made me crave things, but i'm really stoked about doing this cleanse. Chris is on day three and Steve broke on day 2. we are trying for 13 days, but if i make it to 10 then i win the bet with Melissa and i'll be in Seattle on the 15th.
when i finish with the cleanse i want to eat alot better. don't get me wrong new york makes being vegan way funner with all the cakes and cookies and buffalo wings, but i guess eating it more in moderation than those things consuming my whole diet. more raw organic foods and less crap. also way less booze!!!
i have a slight head ache right now. i woke up feeling really awake and not droggy like most mornings, but that's maybe because i woke up at 1:30?
so that recaps day one. so many many more days...