stupid brother... >.>

Dec 10, 2008 19:40

So.... today was a half day at school, so all my classes were pretty short... and i got out of school at 11:00 ^^ yay!!!
Let's see... i really didn't do much today we found out that my group for english is going to be presenting on monday. That'll be fun >.>
I talked to Nessa on the phone today, she was looking for christmas gifts for everyone, so mean DX i told her she doesn't need to get me anything!!!!! hehe i'm, gonna have to start searching for Christmas gifts for people too ^^

>_> gah, literally, sometimes my brother really bugs me. He was just all mad about some stupid plastic cup he needed for homework. He couldn't find it and started throwing a fit >_> We were telling him that my grandma probably took it out of his bag or maybe he even left it at school, but noooooooooooooo he was being an idiot >_< and screaming at me. And then my mom called me and my sister and was about to yell at us for pinning down my brother and trying to talk sense into him >_> so then i had to start yelling about how we were trying to help him find it! but he was being stupid and not saying anything and then screaming! HOW WERE WE SUPPOSED TO HELP HIM IF HE'S TRYING TO PUNCH ME?!?!?!?!. bleh so then we finally made him call my grandma... and what does she say?? ((in spanish)) "Aye!!!! sorry!!!! i thought it was trash!!! and i threw it away by mistake!! i didn't know you needed it" and i just sighed and whispered "i told you so, i told you so, i told you so" -_-  geez.... him and my sister both... they try so hard to argue and prove their right, but in the end THEY ARE ALWAYS WRONG!!! it's ALWAYS the same thing!!!!! DX and then they feel stupid in the end, because after arguing so much, i prove them wrong -_- don't they get it already??? before they start screaming at me? shouldn't they just listen?!?!?!?! >_> before making a fool of themselves?! *shrugs* but whatever, if that's the way they want to be, then ok. It amuses me sometimes.

 XDDD well.. right now, regaind my breath after laughing very hard. My sister brought in my school memories album, looking back at all the things i wrote, like my fsvorite activities... music... friend at the times.. durring kindergarten.. and all the way up to now XD it was very funny, the things that i wrote, and also comment from some of the teachers. Oh xD and my very messy handwriting!!!!! hehe XD
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