§You're the Only One I want for Christmas I [REBOOT]

Dec 20, 2012 21:52

Title: §You're the Only One I want for Christmas I [original tittle "All I want for Christmas is you", originally aired December 25, 2011]
Collection: Heat of Hawaii
Author: xcsimisiax
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny {but other characters regularly appear}
Notes: It's a reboot of my original story. This for whom this whole story is familiar don't need an explanation, but if you - Dear Reader - never read #HoH before - one warning - this chapter INS'T chronologically next after the one you could read as a last one: §3 It wasn't for nothing II [original tittle "Heat of the beach", originally aired November 23, 2011]. This what's going on in that chapter, it's like few weeks later.
I re-wrote this Christmas chapter out of the time line, because I promised my BFFs I'd give them something special for this year Christmas and I keep my word.
Second part should be updated on Christmas Eve - December, 24, 2012.
Summary: "Just come for me." [Danny to Steve]
Content of Note: slash, sex, mouths and hands involved.
Warinings: Hmmm english isn't my mother language, so remember about this, okay? lol
Rating: NC-17.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't own'em, just borrowed'em to play with. No infringement is intended.

„Danny ... Man, you're doing this again ...” Steve murmured under his nose and rolled his body on the right side, he still didn't bother himself about opening his eyes but a mischievous smirk showed up on his handsome face. He could swear that Danny's laying onto his left side and staring at him with a dreamy smile all over his own, good-looking one. Like always, since the very first night they spent together till now. Truth was that Steve waited for that moment every single morning. He had to admit, at least toward himself, that it meant a world for him and truly moved Steve, that Danny always woke up before him only because he loved to watch his sleep, stroking Steve's chest gently and listening to his steady heart beat, just under his finger tips. It's just so intimate, so special and so theirs, that both of them waited for a morning with a pleasing sensation into their stomachs. Danny's warm palm on Steve's chest, sometimes also brushing casually his abs, lingering just above the hem of Steve's boxers was absolutely the best way to welcome a new day. It never failed to amaze Danny, how Steve trembled under his touches, that gentle, teasing caress, what he's always looking forward to get.

„Danny?” Steve whispered again and slowly cracked his left eye. Danny's still staring at him with a goofy smile on his dry at that moment lips.
„You know?” Danny whispered back and moved closer to Steve, making that he opened also his right eye and looked at him curiously, when Danny hovered over Steve and bit his lower lip.
„Sometimes I just lay next to you and try to wrap my head around this, how it's even possible that you're just right next to me. So relaxed, so calm and for God's sake, so insanely hot, that I just want to sneak on you and fuck you senseless.” Danny murmured and moved his hips meaningly. Steve groaned when Danny's cock brushed his own through the fabric of their boxers and he felt like his own dick started to harden slowly.

„Oh my, for a second I considered if something happened to your head last night, since you became such a softy and all romantic, but then boom, you mentioned about fucking and all backed to well-known you, Danno.” Steve smirked and moved his palms onto Danny's butt. He felt like under his touch Danny tensed and it somehow brought a cocky smile on Steve reddish lips.
„Oh just shut up, you, Sigmund Freud.” Danny chuckled and bit Steve's chin not too gently, causing that Steve's finger tips dug deeper into his butt, leaving probably bruises on his ass.
„Thank you for our last night...” Danny whispered out of sudden became all serious. When he leant over Steve and kissed his lips gently, he could hear how his lover sighed big into that kiss, pulling a warm air into Danny's lungs, tickling his throat in the process.

„I still can't believe this Christmas Eve was real.” Steve whispered when they broke the kiss, coming up for an air. He cupped Danny's
face into his palms, enjoying how Danny's five o'clock shadow scratched his skin softly. It didn't hurt, more like tickling and for
sure turned Steve on. Danny smiled at Steve's words. He felt exactly the same. This Christmas was truly special in every single meaning of that word. They spent this magic time not only with themselves, but their whole Ohana joined them, making this special time, a really unique one. Danny felt like a warmness spread from Steve's hands all over his body, but he could also sensed a coldness of Steve's wedding ring, what he pressed onto Danny's left cheek. Danny trembled under that pleasant sensation and kissed Steve again. This time his tongue slowly outlined Steve's mouth. And when he made them slippery and watery again, he grabbed Steve's lower lip and sucked on it, murmuring gladly. Danny pulled all Steve's blood on the place where his teeth pressed onto Steve's down lip. When he felt how the blood rushed over there, he bit Steve not too gently, tearing the sensitive skin and licking Steve's blood away. It never failed to set Danny on a fire and it happened also this time. Taste of Steve's red liquid simple dizzied Danny and made him sigh big into the kiss. Steve smiled and licked away a remnant of his own blood, his eyes shone the same way, like Danny's. They both felt happy and relaxed, simple as that.

„I love you, you know that, right?” Danny asked and stroked Steve's cheek, resting his chin on Steve's bare chest, laying down on him, brushing his hard rock cock for a purpose by his hardening one.
„I know, Babe. And I love you more.” Steve said with a low voice, snuggling his cheek into Danny's palm, smiling at him with sparkles of the happiness into his eyes.
„Oh yeah, right, my ass!” Danny smirked and brushed his hips onto Steve's groins again. The seductively smirk popped up on his face when Steve chuckled and spanked his butt.
„Kinda fine one, that mine ass of yours.” Steve teased Danny, when he leant closer to Danny's face and this time he's the one who grabbed his down lip, pulling it with himself back, making that Danny rested his upper body onto his lower arms to do not simple crash down on Steve, loosing his balance in the process.
„Oh damn!” Danny hissed when Steve bit him a little bit too harsh and sucked on his down lip, tasting his salty like the ocean flavor.

When they broke their kiss, breathing deeply the air back to their lungs, like divers who just popped up over the surface of the water, Steve smiled at Danny. His lover's eyes stopped to be blue like the ocean, they were a really navy blue ones fulfilled by the lust and Steve
felt like he'd drown into them. Without a second of a hesitation. Danny murmured something under his nose and moved his hips painfully
slow along Steve's full length, driving Steve literally crazy in the process. Danny wanted to kiss Steve again, he wanted to simple lose himself into him, but before he followed his need, a cocky smile showed up this time on his face.
„You do know that you own me something, Babe...?” Danny mumbled and smirked when a knowing smile popped up on Steve's lips.
„Uh-mm...” Steve murmured back and gave Danno a wink. He knew exactly about what Danny's asking and Steve'd lie if he'd say, that he didn't dream about the same since the last night. He didn't want anything else than to feel Danny's teeth and lips around his cock, making his skin sweaty and salty, when he'd screaming Danny's name breaking apart with a pleasure. Yes, he wanted Danny, just as much as Danny wanted Steve. And because of that he smiled at his lover slipping his warm palms under the fabric of Danny's black boxers and scratched his butt.

„I know exactly what I promised to you yesterday. So bring it on, Jersey! Go for it!” Steve teased Danny, still grabbing his ass, brushing and scratching sensitive skin over there, driving Danny crazy with a full force. Danny for a moment just looked down at Steve, admiring the view, smiling gently, knowing perfectly well for what he's going to go, but before he followed his lust, Danny wrinkled his forehead and sighed big.
„You do know, that I'll be always thankful for the second chance you gave me, right? I promised you last night, but I want to tell this one more time. I swear, I'll never ever hurt you that way again. I'll never leave you behind my back and I'll never screw our relationship up so much like I did this weeks back. It's the biggest mistake of my life and I swear, I took my lesson. I love you so much, Steve, there's no me without you, never could be again.” Danny whispered and stroked slowly Steve’s left cheek. He could feel under his fingertips how Steve trembled because of his caress, but mostly because of this, what Danny just told him. He covered Danny's hand on his cheek with his warm palm and moved his sight from Danny's lips up onto his again ocean blue eyes. They're watery and shone like two diamonds.

„You're the love of my life, Danny, for now and for ever. Always.” Steve whispered back and pulled Danny's face closer to his own, when their lips crashed onto each others, they both trembled at the sensation. Their naked chest brushed one another, Danny's chest hair tickled Steve's skin and making him murmuring into their kiss, the sound of his pleasure resonating into Danny's throat when he slightly parted his mouth, and Steve's tongue slipped into them, reaching so familiar, so his territory. With his right palm Steve still played and teased Danny's butt, his fingers all the time reached Danny's BootyHole driving him simple nuts. When they broke the kiss breathing heavily, Danny hid his face into the crook of Steve's neck, reaching his pulse point, and with a moan onto his mouth he bit Steve there, digging his teeth deeper than usual, sucking on Steve's salty skin, marking him as his own. Sometimes Danny simple couldn't help himself, when he got on a high, he just marked Steve, leaving on his body bite marks or scratches of his nails. He knew that Steve loved him with all his might, but he also was aware of these all looks what women all the time sold to Steve and he needed to be sure, that they all knew, he's taken. By him. When Danny tried to calm his rapidly beating heart, Steve used his distraction and turned them both on their sides. But since their legs like always were tangled, Danny slid down on sheets with a loud thud. His hair was a mess and it brought a smile onto Steve's lips. He smoothed it on the left side and Danny sighed as an answer. Steve was the only one person on the whole wide world who could play with his hair and Danny had to admit, it gave him a damn big pleasure. He closed his eyes, licking away taste of Steve's sweaty skin from his mouth, and murmured when he felt like Steve leant over him and grabbed his earlobe, scratching it with his teeth, sucking on it gladly.

„Um-mm you, Vampire guy, maybe I'm not Bob the Builder, but still I can guarantee you, these walls are really thin ones. And your parents sleep in Mary's old bedroom, just next to our bedroom. Are you um-mm sure that's the best idea ever to wake them up with the sound of our fucking?” Steve asked and moved the way that he's the one now, who hovered over Danny and glanced down onto his lover face.
„So, are you really want to do this, D? Tell me what you really want ...” Steve murmured with a low voice and to make the answer literally harder for Danny, with a sly grin on his swollen by now lips, he moved his hot and sweaty palm down on Danny's chest. Then he reached Danny's tensed abs and before Danny could even sigh, Steve slid his palm under the fabric of Danny's black boxers, which became kind of wet in front by now and he touched Danny's cock, brushing his fingers all along his full length, making that Danny arched his groins into Steve's touch and moaned from the deepest part of his stomach.

„You know … Exactly … What I want … You Bastard, you ...” Danny moaned taking breaks when Steve enlaced his fingers around Danny's cock, brushing his thumb onto the vain just under Danny's dick, pulling the soft skin up and down, torturing slowly, making that Danny instinctively brushed his groins onto Steve's palm, making circles with his hips. So Steve did what he was asked for, he didn't moved down his lips, he didn't close Danny's dick into his mouth, but still he didn't give him a break. His fingers never stopped to play with his cock, Steve pulled the skin up and down faster and then slower, his fingertips dug into Danny's dick deeper, harder, scratching it, brushing, stroking, literally driving Danny crazy, when his manhood started to pulse with the pleasure. Danny knew he'd not be able to last too long, Steve knew that too, since his fingers were glistening with Danny's pre-cum. Steve slid his fingers down and grabbed Danny's balls, pulled them along his palm, massaging them firmly. Danny groaned low and grasped Steve's short hair, pulling his fingers through them, grabbing curls just over Steve's neckline, when Steve bit him again onto the pulse point.

Steve moved his sweaty and sticky palm again onto Danny's rock hard cock and crashed his lips onto Danny's. He didn't beg for the entrance, he just parted Danny's lips with his tongue and slipped it inside Danny's mouth, teasing Danny's tongue, biting and sucking onto it. Danny couldn't wait any longer, his whole body screamed after Steve, he couldn't control moves of his hips, so he arched his groins onto Steve's hand on and on, like he'd want to hump his palm, but Steve didn't let him to take a control away from his hands. Not yet. His movements onto Danny's dick became faster and stronger, he pulled the skin causing that Danny's cock became such a hot, that it almost literally burnt Steve's palm.
„Let it go, Danny.” Steve gasped and he felt like Danny for the last time pushed his groins onto his hand and let it go, simple as he was asked for, releasing himself into Steve's palm. Before he screamed at the top of his lungs with a pleasure, Steve crashed his lips onto Danny's again, catching his shout and sucking into his lungs with the air his lover gave him. They kissed each other like there's no tomorrow for neither of them. Steve still felt like Danny's dick pulsed into his palm, he stroked Danny firmly and then brushed his chest, all along the way, making his chest hair and nipples sticky cuz of his own cum.

Steve smelled the scent deeply into his nostrils when he broke the kiss and leant over Danny. Pineapple. That's the scent what always meant Danny for him. Irony was that Danny hated pineapples, not only on the slice of pizza, but generally. Even bigger irony was that he got nuts on a bare thought that coconut could fall down out of sudden and hit his daughter's or his own head, when he wouldn't expect that like at all. He all the time ranting about the fact how much the island drove him crazy and pissing him off, but that's just a tease, not a truth anymore. Especially after he my oh my tasted for the first time Steve's cum, tasting of course like the sweetest coconut milk ever. Danny still remember how Steve simple burst out laughing, when he saw how Danny closed his eyes with a pleasure and licked away remnants of his seed from his chin and mouth when he jerked Steve for the first time.
„I always knew you're a sick person, damn it, but a coconut? Like really, Steven?” Danny gasped and leant over Steve, kissing him hungrily, letting him to taste his own flavor on Danny's tongue, mixed with his blood, since Steve bit him not too gently.

Steve lost himself for a moment into the pineapple scent of Danny, and that's the moment when Danny used his distraction against him. He still felt like his cock pulsed but the tension was slowly fading away, giving him a chance to breathe calmer and stabilize his still rapidly beating heart. Before Steve's able to lick away Danny's cum from his chest, his lover pushed him onto the sheets, their coldness made Steve hissing when his sweaty, warm back made a contact with them. Danny fixed his dreamy gaze onto Steve's sweaty forehead, then looked down onto his eyes, which became more navy blue than hazel, and when he spotted a blood onto Steve's down lip, he moaned deep and leant to lick it away, sucking onto Steve's lip, making it even more sensitive and swollen, than it's already.
„I still can't catch my breath... All because of you ...” Danny gasped and sucked onto his own down lip, scratching it with his teeth.
„You just had to be first, right? You just couldn't help yourself, you Bastard!” Danny smirked and his heavy breathing tickling Steve's chin, making him tremble lightly.
„You and your control issue, it supposed to be me, who will take what I want to!” Danny hissed when Steve's nails dug again onto the skin on his butt.

„So maybe you could just shut your mouth, before I'll start to literally pay you for that and give me this, what I need ...” Steve's low voice made that Danny shook with an excitement, especially when a lust colored Steve's eyes almost on a black. Danny straddled Steve brushing his cock and balls all over Steve's dick, still covered by his white boxers, which by now stopped to be white like at all at the front of them. Danny moaned when his balls stroked Steve's full length and moved his hips down on Steve's thighs, settling between Steve's legs. His lips immediately started their way down on Steve's chest, stopping a bit here or there, sucking onto Steve's erected nipples, biting them and scratching with his teeth, making that Steve grabbed Danny's hair and twisted it with his fingers, moaning low and deep. He just needed to feel Danny's lips around his cock again and he knew by the way how Danny moved his lips down on his abs, biting onto his muscles not too gentle, scratching his teeth onto the black curls just above the hem of Steve's boxers, that Danny wanted this too. Danny looked up from above of Steve's boxers and he saw how Steve closed his eyes and bit his down lip, pulling it with his teeth, waves of pleasure, the very first, smaller ones started to rush his blood, making that his body heat started to rising. Danny smirked under his nose, he still breathed heavier because of his own orgasm, but it stopped to be about his own pleasure only. Now an excitement what fulfilled his bloodstream had everything to do with this, what he planned to do with Steve.

Before Steve could even say something to encourage Danny, his lover grabbed the hem of his boxers and pulled them down, madly slow, making that Steve cracked his eyes and his fingers into Danny's hair squeezed it with such a force that Danny hissed. Steve shut his eyes again when Danny freed his pulsing, hot dick from his boxers and lipped the tip of it, licking away Steve's coconutlicious pre-cum, making Steve arching his groins immediately closer to Danny's mouth. He couldn't stop himself, not that he even wanted to.
„Do not stop, just don't ...” Steve gasped trying to calm down his rapidly beating heart but it's one side war. A lost battle, since Danny moved his tongue all along Steve's full length. He could easily felt under his caress how a vein showed up on Steve's cock, pulsing and rushing the blood with a rapidly rhythm. Danny licked his his way up and down again, grabbing Steve's cock with his sweaty palm, pulling the skin, scratching it with his nails in a place where a second before were his tongue and teeth. Steve all the time arched his groins closer, harder onto Danny, his muscles shook, he trembled feeling how his skin became such a hot one, that he could swear it could burn Danny alive. Danny grabbed Steve's ball with his teeth, pulling it into his mouth, sucking on the sensitive skin, moving his lips from the left to the right one, making that Steve grabbed the sheets with his free palm, sucking the air in.

„Oh, my God ...” Steve whispered trying to control his breathing, when Danny with a blink of his eyes moved his lips again onto Steve's dick, closing it into his mouth, scratching his teeth onto the skin, till the tip of it slammed onto his throat. Steve couldn't stop himself, he moved his shaky, sweaty palm onto the back of Danny's head and pressed him stronger onto his rock hard manhood. He moaned and gasped and turned Danny even more with sounds which left his mouth on an on. Danny let Steve dictate the rhythm of his sucking. Steve's arching his cock into Danny's mouth like he'd want to fuck him that way. He couldn't stop, his thrust into Danny's mouth became faster and stronger, Danny's teeth all the time scratched the sides of his cock, his tongue licked it, making it slippery and watery more with every single thrust of Steve's. He felt how close to the edge Steve was, he let his cock go for a second and grabbed it harder with his sweaty palm. Steve gasped when Danny embraced the tip of Steve's dick with his teeth, sucking and licking onto it with a pleasure. His fingers made a way down on Steve's cock massaging his balls, pushing him even harder to hit the top. And the fact that Danny's wedding ring on and on stroked Steve's sensitive skin made things even harder to bear, a pleasure was too big.

Danny one more time let Steve's dick go and sneaked his hand onto Steve's chest, scratching his whole way up, leaving a reddish marks, making Steve hissed into his moaning.
„Just come for me.” Danny murmured low and when their fingers enlaced, Steve arched his groins for the last time and cumming into Danny's mouth. His pulsing cock pulled the warm, sweet coconutlicious seed shot into Danny's throat. He's about to scream loud with a pleasure but in the back of his head popped up a thought that behind their wall were Danny's parents. Before he shouted on the top of his lungs, Steve pulled the fist into his mouth and bit himself hard. When he's able to crack his eyes, he spotted totally shocked the blood on his knuckles.
„I-I … I can't … Breathe ...” Steve tried to say something more, but the sight of Danny who swallowed his cum with a pleasure, licking it away from his teeth drove Steve literally crazy.

He still trembled, waves of pleasure ran up and down his spine, Danny's blow job simple set him on a fire. But still, like always when he let the lust took an upper hand over him, Steve felt ashamed. Especially when Danny worked on his rock hard cock and let Steve cumming into his mouth, sucking and licking his cum away. And Danny's well aware of that, he knew how much Steve still became all ashamed by his needs and wants, like he'd be still scared to trust fully with showing his most vulnerable part during a love making. It simple amazed Danny, how shy Steve could be sometimes, it always brought a smile on his lips, making him all softy because of the way how his bad ass man became just because of him all sensitive and blushing all along the way. Only Danny knew how much this how people saw Steve McGarrett was different than this, what kind of man he's for real. Strong and tough, that's the true but also sensitive and with a big heart on the right place. Danny felt like love fulfilled his own one pumping with the steady rhythm that feeling all over his body. Danny rolled himself on a right side and faced Steve, his eyes were colored by love and a pleasure and it caused that cocky smile popped up on Danny's lips.

Steve moved closer to Danny the way that the tip of their noses almost brushed one another, his palm rested onto Danny's cheek, brushing his stubble with a thumb. Danny leant to kiss Steve and when he did it, Steve let his tongue to explore the inside of his mouth, play with his own tongue in a slow dance of love and affection. They both sighed into the kiss when Steve could taste his own cum on Danny's tongue.
„It's amazing, Danny, you're amazing.” Steve said and smile reached not only his handsome, sweaty face but also his eyes, which shone, like sparkles of the love would make them even brighter.
„My pleasure SEALy, yeah, damn, my pleasure.” Danny smirked.
„Besides you're not that bad yourself too, man.” Danny murmured and covered Steve's palm on his cheek. For a moment neither of them said a word, they just lost themselves into each others eyes, breathing deeply. Bedroom fulfilled only the sound of their steady heart beats.

„You're mine, Steve. No matter if my parents are in the next door room or not, you're mine, nothing is more important, not anymore.” Danny whispered and their rings brushed one another. In one hand Danny's words moved Steve, making him trembling a bit. But in the other hand he couldn't stop to think that Danny's parents probably heard everything what happened into their bedroom minutes ago.
„I'm as much yours, as much you're mine, Danny. I love you, I love you so much, you know that.” Steve whispered back.
„I love you too, with every single day more and deeper.” Danny murmured and kissed Steve again, it's more like a soft brushing of their lips than a real kiss but neither of them wanted to stop it. Then they heard some movement on the hall, seemed like Danny's parents left their room, so Danny broke the caress and looked terrified onto the door.

„They wouldn't … Would they?” He said and Steve burst out laughing.
„After this what they probably heard from our bedroom? Nah, man. I don't think so, but ...” Steve said and moved his body onto the edge of the bed. He tried to localize his boxers all around the carpet but then he turned around with wrinkled forehead.
„You know it just made me wondering … You think your parents had a sex last night on our large mattress over there?” Steve asked and chuckled when Danny swallowed hard.
„God ... Not on our mattress. That's wrong, just so wrong.” Danny's ranting under his nose, when Steve rolled his body back on the bed next to him and crashed his lips onto Danny's.
„We'll mark it as ours the moment they will leave our house.” Steve murmured with a low voice, making that Danny trembled.
„But now move that hot ass of yours. We need to take care of a breakfast for that bunch of people under our roof.” Steve smiled.

Their Ohana. It never stopped to amaze him, how much he loved those people, and as much they loved him back. A day before, the Christmas Eve day, was the best proof of that.

§You're the Only One I want for Christmas II [REBOOT]

fic: steve/danno, hawaii five-0, danny williams, fiction: slash, heat of hawaii, rating: nc-17., steve mcgarrett

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