Title: Fade Genre: Angst/Horror Pairings: ItaHina Warnings: Character Death Summary: Itachi sleeps, and Hinata waits. Notes: Cross-posted to Fanfiction.net - may also end up in an LJ com, if I feel like it.
Title: just a little bit gone Rating: G Genre: Angst Warnings: Blood Summary: This is my life.
Okay, seriously. This is the third(fourth?) one I've written in this style, and I have another one thought up. Somebody help me. DX Oh, and if you hadnt figured it out, this is not from Naruto. This is a true story.
Title: Something Old, Something New; Something Borrowed, Something Blue Rating: G Genre: Angst Contains: This is angsty Sasuke-thought in the form of a drabble. Beware. Summary: Something of a life.