Jun 25, 2008 10:10
Random update of the day: Courtney lopped off approximately seven inches of her hair yesterday. Gah, it feels so weird not having it all hanging down back there! Seven inches gone, and it's still a little past my shoulders. I have a lot of hair XD I still say the girl cut off way more than I had asked her to. There was some confusion when I told her that I liked how her hair was, but I wanted mine to stay a bit longer 9_9 I also got it layered, which is weird because I haven't done anything but cut it off straight for the past...ten years? I had such a bad experience with the style of my shorter hair that I forgot how good it can be just to get all that weight off! I'm a little slower getting used to it than I had hoped, but I'm beginning to like it more and more. Now I need to find new awesome things to do with it! I need products! And clippies!
To the product and clippies store! Onward!