Jan 11, 2005 00:11
An evangelist by the name of John Bevere came to Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola last Friday night. He spoke on being fit for the kingdom and talking about how there will be a time when we have to face God on judgement day. God will declare who the good and faithful servants
will be.
God revealed to me some scripture through John Bevere that has altered my life and set my sights on Jesus even more.
"I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure, just as gold and silver are refined and purified by fire. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, `These are my people,' and they will say, `The LORD is our God.' "
-Zechariah 13:9
What I received from this scripture was incredible. When gold is refined to it's purest form, it becomes transparent. Therefore, when you are being tempted and you endure the trials, you ultimately reflect God's glory. You allow Jesus to shine even more in your life when you refuse to fall into whatever your temptation might be. If you have trouble with drinking, doing drugs, having sex, being jealous, greedy, or any other form of condemnation or addiction; God can be there to help you overcome the condition. God is above and beyond the issue. I have been having trouble with lusting and impure thoughts. I have become set free through Christ Jesus now that I have dived into that scripture. There is another verse that basically says "When you are tested in your trials, you will be like refined gold". All the impurities have no other choice but to rise to the surface. I am asking God tonight to forever take away my impure thoughts and motives and give me new and right desires.
If you have had struggles in the past or in the present time with a certain sin, then I would love to pray for you. I need quite a bit of prayer to stay on the path to righteousness. Satan isn't gonna stop tempting and destroying lives. Satan could care less about our cars, "bling bling", our house, money, friends, or family. All Satan wants is our worship. Our worship equates to the way we show God our adoration and ultimately the way we live our life. Worship isn't just a song but a lifestyle.