Another comtemplative weekend

Feb 11, 2007 20:39

Not so much today but yesterday was another "deep" day, if you will haha. I watched Garden State...not once, but TWICE. It wasn't as pointless as it may seem though. That movie has a billion little things that target so many peoples lives and I watched it once because I hadn't in a while and I love and then spent the second time combing it over untill about 2:30 in the morning and then fell asleep thinking about it.
I also talked to both Dan and Kira about my thoughts reguarding it yesterday. Many theories of living in the moment to a degree and not obsessing about what you can't control but then again also being willing to keep in mind that having some sort of a plan in the back of your head, like a goal is necissary to keep yourself ticking and in order.
Order...what a key subject. Something I want, to live my life in a moraly orderly fashion but let some of the lesser evils slip by...I'm gonna stop feeling so worried and doubtful as to where Im going because at this point it doesn't matter esp. All I know, and need to know is that I want to do something I love with my life, and have people IN my life that I love. As I was discussing with people yesterday...might as well build yourself an early heaven by living a life of use through doing something that you love and surrounding yourself with things that make you and other people happy. Of course you can't all the time...but what a lovely thought eh? One I definitely like to fall asleep to.
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