Sep 06, 2009 10:32
Washing machine stopped doing its spin cycle, meaning clothes were dripping wet when it was done. Repair guy opens up the control panel, and spots the problem right away: a small fire in the circuitry. lol.
I picked up six more hours during the week at work, putting me over thirty Mon-Sat hours, so that I could get health insurance. After doing so, I find out that my less-than-perfectly-competent manager was told not to give anyone health insurance. No one but he knew. So I might not get it, despite being eligible.
Last week I decided to drink as much as could in half an hour at some time mid-afternoon, stop, and see how long it takes to sober up. I wound up passing out at 4pm, waking up at 10:30, feeling too shitty to get up. And I was hungover and feeling crappy for half of the next day. If I learned anything it's that I can drink a fuckton in half an hour. Such a waste of a weekend.
So then I started another experiment, wondering if I'd get any withdrawal symptoms or cravings if I went a week sober. I did it no problem, and felt no more than the usual "Gee a beer would be nice" feelings.