Here's a little story about Haruhi season two and the marketing games used to promote it. "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" completed airing in mid 2006. With something in it for everyone, It was loved by all anime fans ever. It reminded fans why they watched anime in the first place. It was a major hit where it counts, too... And by that I mean it was a major hit in Japan. In the years following that, rabid fanboys clamored for more. Major conflicts were unsolved, and the light novel it drew from was ongoing. A second season would be a home run, and everyone knew it. The creating studio, Kyoto Animation (or KyoAni), stoked the fire in clever ways. First, there were viral marketers that infiltrated anime boards encouraging people to buy Haruhi dubs. Somehow those English-language marketers were armed with never-before-seen official Haruhi artwork. Some of those pictures depicted events from the light novel not covered by the anime. Season two was already so talked about that on one anime board, posting the phrase "Haruhi season two" resulted in an automatic ban. Then KyoAni pulled a little stunt where they put out an ad hinting at some new Haruhi-related event, with images that implied it was a second season they were talking about, when in fact they were referring to a live concert performed by series's voice actors. Their next stunt was to promise new Haruhi animation, which turned out to be a chibi-styled, low-budget youtube release of a series called "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan." Note the -chan, because that's the only syllable different in that fourteen-syllabled title. KyoAni's final stunt was to promise a full-blown airing of a new Haruhi series. Shortly before it was to begin airing, news got out that it was a re-run of the original series. Fanboys everywhere raged, but there was an issue regarding re-run series's length. The orginal was 14 episodes, this was reportedly longer. Today, without any warning, after seven re-run episodes had slowly aired, the eighth was a new episode. Fanboys fucking SHITSTORMED. No less than eight fansub websites replaced their entire pages with the SOS Brigade's crappy logo in celebration. Everyone's calling this season two. KyoAni's marketers are masterful trolls.
btw I hear the Haruhi-chan series is pretty entertaining.
There's a new Xam'd OP and ED, which is strange considering the series has been over for months. They're both pretty cool:
check them out. Also the vocalist that did both the EDs is 14 years old, and she sounds just like that bitch from Evanescence.
Today, I realized I prefer character-driven stories. Then, I contemplated about how classic novels, particularly Victorian-style novels tend to be character-driven and I ought to enjoy them. Finally, I said fuck that boring shit and give me pretty images and mechas and dumb entertainment with my character-driven stories.
I'm celebrating 25 unique beers reviewed on my beer blog,
johnlikesbeer. I'm celebrating with a beer, of course.