Feb 12, 2008 08:40
OK it's been quite a while since I've had a dream at all. But last night was no ordinary dream. It was rich, vivid, and full of symbolism. I mean it had to be symbolic, because why the fuck would I dream of something so random??
So the dream was like this: My cousin and I were out at this retreat, and this fox visited us. At first we thought it was cute, until we realized how cunning it was. It tried to attack us several times, but luckily it was small and we were able to defend ourselves. We described the fox to someone indigenous to the area and they were all like "oh my God, that was him." Who? "The rarest fox in the world," he replied. "Someone spotted it months ago, but it hasn't returned." So for all the trouble it seemed to cause, Jennifer and I were kind of ecstatic that it continued hanging around. That is, until 3 more *larger* foxes arrived the next day. As it turned out, the first red fox was the most docile of the group. There was a huge black fox that incessantly tried to attack us, and he was HEAVY. Like 30-40lbs heavy. Pulling him off once was bad enough, but he continued to follow me and attack me to the point where I was up on furniture trying to keep him at bay. I called Jennifer in to help fend them off. "I can't do this by myself," I cried. We survived, but just barely. We went back to the original guy who seemed to know all about the species. He was shocked that 4 had visited us, saying only 9 were estimated to be in existance at all. He confirmed that the color of their coats were indicators of their diverse temperaments- but that they were known to be the most clever foxes of all.
So this morning I went onto the dream dictionary and this is what it had to say about it:
To see a fox lurking about in your dream, represents cleverness and resourcefulness. You need to use your insight and intellect to solve some problem. Perhaps you need to conceal your thoughts and/or remain silent. Alternatively, it indicates a period of isolation or loneliness. It is a good way for you to use this time to reflect.
I have no doubt this had to do with my inner conflict regarding Jacob.
How fucking weird!