ce qui m'ensorcelle, c'est Paris

Jun 12, 2011 04:10

Not much time to update while in Paris either, but just a few things of note.

  • The rumors about French BO are true! The TGV ride over was almost unbearable because once I noticed how bad the people around me smelled, I couldn't think about anything else. -_-;
  • Paris has so much going on! I'm not sure that I understand why so many people dream about living here some day.
  • It is weird walking around and seeing all these landmarks.
  • Food is expensive here. Actually, almost everything is expensive here!
  • I bought cute turtle earrings (from Claire's--how did it make its way to France?) because I accidentally left all of my earrings back in the States. And my body thinks it's Wolverine and likes to close up my piercings even though it's been 5 years...?
  • The toilet paper "squares" here are much less square-like than I am accustomed to. It's the little things...
  • Baguette. Honhonhon, oui oui.


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