omg a post

Sep 29, 2009 19:25


Facebook got boring, so I'm on LJ.
  • Been eating semi-vegetarian (just Mon-Fri) for the last three months. It's working out okay! Ended up gaining a few of the pounds I lost while studying for quals last Winter Break... only to lose them again this month from being sick. %&(*$%&$ It's okay, I'll see them again soon.
  • Cooking your own food is SO MUCH CHEAPER THAN EATING OUT. SERIOUSLY. As a first-year grad student, I ate out every day (trainwreck in the kitchen) and spent maybe $20/day on food and coffee. Now I only occasionally buy coffee and cook most of my own food... I end up spending like, $40/week on groceries.
  • But now I'm paying for my car insurance ($200/mo., thanks to the family driving record--and Mom for dumping the bill on me), car taxes, anything even remotely related to me that my mom can guilt me into paying... on a grad student income? Thanks, Mom!
  • I really like living in my own place! No annoying roommates! But it's so much more expensive! (Almost twice the cost.)
  • Teaching Calc I again this semester. My class is okay. Some of the students I rather like, others seem pretty unmotivated. It's frustrating that students get whiny when you don't "spoon-feed" them information... and if you do, they don't pay attention and make the same mistakes anyway. Morons!
  • I am stuck on campus every Tuesday night until 9 pm because I have a Math Lab hour (free-for-all tutoring offered by the math department, mandatory for all instructors). It is pure mayhem that hour. I miss having a morning hour, when no one was awake or everyone had classes. >_<
  • I should really be working.
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