Dec 09, 2005 13:05
I bought a new pair of awesome boots on Wednesday. I haven't spent this amount of money on a pair of shoes ever, but they are blackleather boots with a skinny 2 inch heel and they are pretty killer. I was showing them off yesterday and I know I'm in the PMS stage of major clutziness but was doing something hyper and dumb and ended up tripping backwards and fucking up on of the heels a little bit. It's nothing a shoe repair place can't fix, but it's still driving me crazy. I thought I was being all preemptive in finally getting a pair of shoes that weren't flip flops or open toed before the freeze and now look I have to wait. Boo hoo, there are babies dying of hunger right now. I also just found that a wireless bluetooth headset and microsoft wireless mouse do not play well together, thanks Microsoft for adding more little things to the mix...
I did not realize until recently how miserable crawling into a freezing bed with only pillows to hold is. The insomnia this feeling has brought on caused a sleepless night Monday and I slept on the couch Tuesday. Mind you, I am a fan of my sleep and will take 90 minute siestas just to get the world to shutup for a little while. Insomnia is an unwelcome friend, even more unwelcome then Aunt Flo. At the same time this loneliness of sorts is stealing my slumber I find myself sitting in a group session of stoned girls bitching about men and what conquests we will embark upon in the upcoming weekend. And I'm happy there, calm and resolute. Single girls rule the city after all, and socializing has become as easy as 1-2-3-Myspace! None of this changes how fucking cold that bed is when all you want to do is pass out or how a BJ can warm one to the core (what that's just me? my bad). Those little things make it all good...and warm.