Jul 02, 2006 03:03
There are certain episodes in your life, certain days, that you wonder how you'd ever have made it through any other way. You think to yourself, if this had gone any differently, if that person hadn't been there at that moment to do that for me, how would I have pulled through.
Tonight Craig went out with me to a stranger's birthday party. Gave me amazing, seasoned advice on how to deal with this thing. Then when the night petered out young, he let me hang out at his place, and he got out his yearbook and for about 3 hours we relived the history of his life. He talked for most of it. I'm not saying it was particularly difficult for him. He's a talker. But he did it because he knows how I'm feeling right now. He's been there. He did it because he knew that I shouldn't go home by myself. There's a reason I say Craig and I are good for life, and tonight is a prime example of that. I'd lay on a grenade for this guy, and I'm starting to get the feeling that he'd do the same for me.
If he hadn't been around, I'm pretty sure I'd have just stayed in my room or something. I don't know. It's hard to predict how we'll behave when we're in emotionally unfamiliar territory. I mean, I've been here before, but it's not something that anyone will ever get used to. I know I'd have done a few things that in hindsight would have been the wrong things to do. He definitely saved me from that. He also got me started on the right foot to walk my way out of this mess.
This is just one of those moments, I can't imagine how else it could have gone. I'm just really glad that if it had to go this way, that I had a friend here like Craig to make it a little more bearable.
...and that's the way it is