The Shrubs Annual Liefest

Feb 02, 2006 16:01

I'm not sure exactly what my roommates must think of me now. Picture this scene if you will. A couple of hours before the State of the Union Address, I'm in the supermarket. I see there are whole rotisserie chickens for 5 bucks, so I purchase one. As the little new-years-time-square-wanna-be countdown timer in the corner of the screen on CNN ticks off the seconds to the Shrub's arrival, I plunk the entire chicken down on a plate in front of me and dig in with my bare hands. So I'm sitting there, a whole chicken on a plate in front of me, hands all grease and chicken meat, berating the television set; I mean screaming at the top of my lungs every two sentences. I flinging chicken bits around the room as I gesticulate crying foul about sodomizing Saudis, leaving children behind, power consolidation, and beating the drums of war. I'm carelessly tossing around words like Orwellian and neophyte Nazi; I mean, clearly words that have no business being evoked at 9:30 on a Tuesday night. I very nearly let out a rebel yell, and I blame this on my environment, when the democrats got up and cheered sardonically as Bushy lamented his failure to gut and strip social security. Oh the venomous hatred in the House chambers this time around was palpable. The word bi-partisan was shot in the knee caps and beheaded like a hostage in Iraq somewhere between his smirk and the microphone. What a crock of shit. And for him to sit there and his zinger, his headline grabber-'we are a country addicted to oil.' Are you fucking kidding me? My 7-year-old sister didn't believe that bullshit coming from him, with goddamn Cheney sitting behind him getting lubed up with 10w-30 waiting to fuck 85% of this nation's tax payers. And I don't even have a 7-year-old sister. I love the way he talks about the deficit. Like it is somebody else's problem that he is now crusading to fix. Motherfucker it's your deficit. Clinton left you with a surplus. Maybe all our social safety net programs wouldn't be in need of so much 'reform' if you didn't spend us into oblivion! AHH! I'm getting pissed again. There is no purpose in going over this point for point. I'm preaching to the choir here. I basically disagreed with or didn't believe anything he said. This administration is so clearly trying to make a case to invade Iran it is ridiculous. Hell, go back and find one of his trumped up speeches on why we're going to invade Iraq, just change the Q to an N, and it'll sound a whole lot like what we heard on Tuesday night. I do like that the panacea of 'spreading democracy' has kicked him in the ass with Hamas winning a legit election. How's spreading democracy feel now, Georgie? More like a spreading rash than Christmas cheer.

Cindy Sheenhan was arrested for wearing a t-shirt lamenting the U.S. death toll from the Iraq war. To their credit, the Capitol Police also removed a Representative's wife for wearing a Support Our Troops t-shirt. But the wife wasn't handcuffed and held in jail on no legal grounds for 4 hours. In fact, she was let back in. They never even asked Cindy to zip her coat back up or take off the shirt. It was a brilliant move on her part, and a perfect example of what happens to free speech anywhere within 100 yards of this plight of an administration.

I'm honestly too pissed of to even go on writing.

...and that's the way it is
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