Feb 11, 2006 00:20
I am SO incredibly tired its not funny.. The only thing I'm awake for is RPing with Jared.. That's it.. and no more.... =.=.... Aaaanyway... Today yeah good day not going to go into huge long breath taking detail.. Sides nothing excruciatingly interesting happened today... The only thing of like GREAT importance to me is that John and Kit (thats my step dad and a friend of the family) started working on my FRIED computer today.. In case you all didn't know my comp DIED.. I blew up ANOTHER power supply (don't ask -.-) So I've been on and off my mum's computer.. So hopefully by Monday it'll be all done up.. It's also a better computer BY FAR than my old one... So needless to say I'm EXCITED ^.^ ^-^.. Right then... I'm going to go continue to role play and TRY not to pass out... Hope everyone's day/ night was good...