Chapter 4: Confessions

Jul 29, 2009 13:59

Title: Confessions
Pairings: GRi, GTOP, ToDae (yup, you read correct ;D)
Genres: Angst, Drama
Author: xbigbangx
A/N: Woot. I finally finished chapter 4! Yes, the story is still on hiatus... or maybe it'll just be very irregular updates? Whichever you guys prefer mang. Enjoy. It's mostly a filler chapter probably so it's not that good. I personally think it's a bit of a fail due to the fact that I just don't like this chapter at all. But thankies to

top_seunghyun for motivating me to finish this chapter. : D (mang, I think everything I write is phail... -__-;;)

It's been 3 days since the confrontation and you are extremely annoyed. He's taken up to completely ignoring your very existence and refuses to touch you at ALL as if you had some type of flesh eating virus or something.

It's dance practice again and you guys have been practicing for 3 hours straight with little to no breaks in between (the only times being for about a minute before it was back to work). Everyone has just finished practicing for the ending of the upcoming performance and everyone was more or less perfected.

"Alright you guys. Great work. Take the next half hour break and drink plenty of fluids." you tell them.

Everyone is sweating like crazy and panting for breath, your heart beating erratically from the constant movement and little rest. You walk over to your bag and pick up your water bottle that was just beside it, taking a nice refreshing drink.

Sighing in content you see Youngbae and SeungRi really close talking about something animatedly. Then, SeungRi suddenly looks up and notices your gaze toward him. Smiling brightly he waved over enthusiastically signaling for you to come over. You smile back slightly and softly wave back before proceeding to go over.

As you walked closer, you noticed Seunghyun and Daesung extremely close and you can't help but notice that he's smiling a real smile with laughter at the tip of his tongue.

You feel this strange burning and fiery jealousy in the pits of your stomach that is really unexplainable and illogical. So what if they've gotten closer than ever? It was of no concern to you.

Trying to ignore that nagging jealousy, you avert your eyes back to your boyfriend and best friend.

You finally reach them and you see them smiling really happily about something that makes you feel really uncomfortable.

"Ne, hyung." Seung Ri said, sparkles in his eyes. "let's go get something to eat. Please?" he asks hopefully.

You shrug your shoulders and say, "Sure. Why not. Let's go kid." Seung Ri then jumps up and down in joy before grabbing onto your shoulder to kiss you on the cheek. You smile slightly at his cute antics before he pulls both yours and Youngbae's arms, leading the three of you toward the door.

"So what do you guys want to eat?" he asks.

"What about Seunghyun and Daesung?" You question curiously. SeungRi briefly looks back at them and then at you before saying, " I think they're a little... busy, at the moment."

You frown just slightly before shrugging your shoulders.

"Ne, let's go now~ I'm hungry." Seung Ri whines for attention.

"Mm. Kay. Let's go!" you reply with enthusiasm (fake one at that) and then the three of you walk out the door to embark on the journey of lunch time.

As the three of you walk out the door, you looks back subtly at the two you're leaving behind with a slightly saddened look before you quick turn back to the front.

As they walked out the door, you miss the brief moment where Seunghyun glances up in your direction with a sad look in his eyes before turning back to Daesung.

Seung Ri is talking animatedly about something again and you're confused for a moment as to what he's talking about. Youngbae seems to be smiling along with Seung Ri though. You're still a bit dazed thinking about the whole Seunghyun and Daesung deal. You can't seem to get that scene out of your head. Why?

You decide to try paying attention to the conversation that Seung Ri is talking about with Youngbae so happily.

"And then everything just went completely dark and he SCREAMED. Literally SCREAMED." Seung Ri said with a bunch of arm gestures, somehow able to not hit himself in the face as his arms are still around yours and Youngbae's.

He laughed as he tried to continue his story, more arm gestures and smiles and twinkling eyes to emphasize the dynamics of the story. You look over at Youngbae and see him laughing softly with that baby smile on his face. You stare at his face for a bit as you tune out whatever else Seung Ri was saying in contemplation. He seems rather happy. You begin to wonder why before your broken out of your thoughts as SeungRi suddenly stops. Almost crashing into him, you stop right before you do.

You were about to question him as to why he had stopped walking so suddenly when you noticed that you guys had stopped in order to wait for the elevator. The elevator arrives and Seung Ri let's go of both of your arm and Youngbae's arm, stepping in before the both of you. You follow him in close behind, Youngbae right beside you as you begin to go off into dreamland once again.

The image of Daesung and Seunghyun so close to each other seems to have burned into your mind as you begin to feel extremely annoyed about your constant thoughts of that scene. Why can't you just stop thinking about it?! You growl slightly to yourself before you clench your fist a slightly in annoyance.

"Hyung. You okay?" Seung Ri stops in midsentence to ask you in concern, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Hmm?" you ask in confusion.

"You were growling..." he says slowly, confused and worried. You are a bit shocked that you had actually growled out loud before replying,

"Oh um. Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry." you mumble out quickly, waving your hands up in the air in front of you in order to let him know that you are perfectly fine.

"Okay then..." he says skeptically before turning to Youngbae again to talk about something you couldn't be bothered to know about.

As the elevator stops on the ground floor the three of you step out walk to a nearby restaurant. Five minutes of walking and you guys arrive at Bon Appétit, Seung Ri exclaiming out in happiness at the mere scent of delicious food to be consumed.

Laughing slightly the three of you walk in, a short line in front of you. The woman at the cash register asks how many before you guys walk in to a certain line for either a hamburger the special or build your own sandwich.

Not really wanting to eat a hamburger, you walk over to the Special line, Seung Ri and Youngbae right behind you. Looking at the menu, then at what's being served you quickly decide on what you want for your lunch. Right before it's your turn to get lunch however, you just remembered that you had forgotten your phone!

Turning around to face Seung Ri and Youngbae you quickly tell them, "You guys I forgot my phone. I'll be right back." before quickly running out of the cafeteria.

Slowing down to a walk right after you exit the place, you slowly walk back to the dance studio. Sighing, you decide to stop thinking about the whole scene and instead think about Bae and Ri. They seemed to be getting along pretty well nowadays. That's pretty good. Continuing to think of the 2, you arrive at the studio within 5 minutes time.

Walking through the front door and to the staircase instead of the elevator, you walk up to the 3rd floor. As you finally reach the door to go onto the 3rd floor, you open it and quickly step through. You continue to walk down the hallway turning right before you're near the door to the studio where Seunghyun and Daesung were left behind.

About a foot away from the door, you hear a bunch of noises coming from the room, sounding like there was a conversation of some sort going on. Right before you reach for the door knob, you can hear the muffled sounds of the conversation, hearing quite clearly what's going on.

"Hyung..." you hear Daesung plead about something. "Please don't be like this. Stop doing this to yourself." Daesung continued. About to step away from the door because it seemed too personal for you to know about, you stop yourself, too curious for you own good.

You knew it wasn't good to eavesdrop, but you couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about.

"Dae..." you hear Seunghyun breathe out, your heart suddenly skipping a beat at the sound of his voice. "What are you talking about?" you hear him deny about something.

"Hyung! I know you love him! But he'll never love you! Why do you love him so much?! Why can't you love me instead?!" you hear Daesung yell at Seunghyun. It sounds as if he's about to cry. Or perhaps he's already crying as you hear soft sobs coming from the room. You feel hurt as you heard that. Who was Seunghyun so madly in love with?

"Won't you love me hyung?" you hear Daesung whisper softly before there's a silence. You peer through the door curiously and see something that just completely made your heart stop.

Daesung... was kissing... Seunghyun?! Your eyes are impossibly wide and your heart is racing, but there's this weird feeling in your chest. You feel like something just stabbed you in the heart with a sharp knife.

You feel tears prickling in the back of your eyes and witness blurrily as they pull apart from the chaste kiss, hearing Seunghyun breathe out his name. You can't take this sight anymore. You couldn't stand this suffocating feeling anymore. So you run. You run as fast as you can out of there, heart heavy and eyes filled with tears. As you run, you miss that one thing that Seunghyun says that could change your view on everything.

So Seunghyun loves Daesung huh? Should've known. You think as you run and run some more, eventually you crash into someone.

You look up through tears stained eyes. Barely being to recognize through the haze of tears and heartbreak that it was Youngbae.

"Ji?! There you are! What's wrong?" he asks you in concern as he hold onto your shoulders. You simply bury yourself into his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, tears staining his shirt.

"I don't know what to do Bae..." you sobbed into his chest. "I don't get it... why does it hurt so much?" you whisper hoarsely.

"What are you talking about Ji?" he asks you. "My chest.... it hurts.... it hurts so much!" you tell him in your hysteria, sobbing like crazy.

All he does is sigh and rub your back in an attempt to comfort you as you cry your heart out.


A/N: Comments are love ♥

p: todae, p: gtop, p: gri

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