Love Game

Jul 28, 2009 19:57

Title: Love Game
Summary: "It's high time the heartbreaker, becomes one of the heartbroken.

A very short and incomplete drabble... enjoy~

Love Game

He was a heartbreaker, someone who toyed with people's emotions for the fun of it. It was pure sadistic joy to see their heartbroken expressions and the tears in their eyes.

Someone who enjoyed bringing pain to others, but in an emotional way. It was such a great pleasure to rip the smiles off of carefree faces and innocent beliefs shattered. There is no such thing as love.

He was a heartbreaker for hire. Why not gain money out of a made up profession that he enjoyed?

Each assignment was a bit different from the other, but the end results were always the same. A smirk on his face as he set his eyes on his next target, he always murmured quietly to himself before the beginning of ever assignment,

"Hello beautiful... would you allow me to break your heart?"

thankies to

top_seunghyun for inspiration? :P iono if I'll continue this though.... the person is whoever you want it to be btw :O
chapter 4 to "Missing" or "Unexplainable Lies" in process of writing :/
comments are love <3 ♥


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