(no subject)

Oct 27, 2004 15:11

I'm so so so happy! Raychel found my sunglasses (which I love to death) at her house.I had a funny little conversation with Tyler about "the scene" and how I'm gonna make a "Shannon scene" and turn channel sunglasses into part of the scene haha.Oh and abercrombie,I am starting to like alot of their stuff again haha.

electricgirl317: hahaha holy shit!
electricgirl317: raych found my awesome sunglasses!
electricgirl317: yesss!
Emo Star Theory: lol
electricgirl317: i still want a new pair though and also my moms getting me channel sunglasses
electricgirl317: channel is my new scene
electricgirl317: well their sunglasses are
Emo Star Theory: you're weird
electricgirl317: how?You're more weird,Tyler
electricgirl317: i can make abercrombie and channel scene
Emo Star Theory: you can
Emo Star Theory: i dunno
Emo Star Theory: the scene died a long time ago
Emo Star Theory: it's so fake now it jsut bugs me
electricgirl317: no,im making the shannon scene
electricgirl317: my own:-)
Emo Star Theory: the music scene really diued a long time ago
electricgirl317: well im making it a fashion core scene trend
electricgirl317: of shannons:-)
Anddd I like how I am gonna turn fashion core into the scene haha...

electricgirl317: haha ive been told that im "scene enough" to have a livejournal hahaha
Emo Star Theory: thats cute
Emo Star Theory: i got told that i was emo since i had one
electricgirl317: hahaha
electricgirl317: i think everyone wants to be apart of the scene now
Emo Star Theory: i don't even care
Emo Star Theory: so many people are wrapped up in shit
electricgirl317: and so its not emo any more,its scene haha
electricgirl317: i know
Emo Star Theory: i'm fashion core
electricgirl317: hahaha oh god,you know how old that is?
electricgirl317: ha kenny has a shirt that says fashion core on it
Emo Star Theory: not that kind of fashion core
Emo Star Theory: another type
electricgirl317: like...
Emo Star Theory: II
electricgirl317: HAHAHAHA oh god
Emo Star Theory: i'm kidding i don't even care
^That's how it all started.

Yea,so I'm in a good mood and thinking about being creative and making a black blood brothers zip-up hoodie that is hot pink and white and a hot damn black t-shirt like the etid one with pink writting. I have so many ideas right now,and not to mention Raych told me since she won greenday tickets and she already has one she's gonna give me one for my other birthday present!And I see Brandon saturday,and maybe mest on monday? I'm so excited! I really like Brandon,and I know he likes me but I just wish he would stop worrying that I'm just gonna let it all end,I hate hate hate when guys think that,I like when they keep ME thinking alot of times,but only good things,not thinking they're gonna dump me or bad things like that.But umm...yeah,so things are going great right now and I'm so happy,I have the happiness again that I never thought I'd get back,I mean things aren't the same as they were with Patrick,but oh well,forget him and the past.Sure,I wonder what it would be like if we still were,but we're not and never will be again.And I have learned and noticed I really don't need him to feel good and be happy.But erm,yeap,that's about it.
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