
May 06, 2005 23:08


Went to school? uhh i duno about yoos guys, but i go to school basically everyday..

Took a test? uhh monday? friday? (not today.. but like a week ago)

Studied for something? Pshht like I study

Took a shower? i dunno a while ago.

Read a book? uhhh 2 nights ago.

Ate something? About 30 minutes ago

Drank something? maybe... 2 hours ago?

Used the computer: besides now?

Wrote a report? like... last week. actualy it was a narrative. eh same ting.

Did homework? like... last week..

Played a board game? uhhhh months. its seriously been months. i dont remember.

Went outside? after school today.

Hung out with someone? today after school with kiko and andrew and alex for a while. my 7th grade homies.

Went to the mall? Like last weekend.

Went to the movies? uhhhhhhh...... months. many many months. wow.

Got dressed? this evening.

Wore a bathing suit? last week wednesday.

Swam in the pool? i dunno last summer?

Went to an amusement park? Like 2 or 3 summers ago

Cussed? like.... yesterday? the day before?

Got in trouble? yesterday.

Said you were sorry? Uhh today prolly.

Told someone you loved them? i unno i hate to abuse the word. so id only say it if i was sure i meant it. unless family..

Gave someone a hug? Today

Been really excited?my hair. today.

Talked to someone online? like 5 mins ago.

Talked to someone in person? Last person I talked to in person? my mom?

Gone to the beach? a week or two ago.

Watched TV? ehh..

Watched a rented movie? likelast weekend?

Bought something for yourself? last weekend

Bought something for someone else? whoa.. i dunno a whiel ago..
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    Bold all that apply to you

I hate the color pink
I spend too much money
I’ve been in a school play before
I can play an instrument
I’ve taken Italian in school
I can speak at least one other language pretty good
I took Spanish and can’t remember any of it
I play paintball
I have more than one video game system
I have a job working in fast food
The rain is a perfect description of my soul
I have a table in my room
I’d rather color with crayon than colored pencils
I write on my arms and hands
I have a garden
I’ve been in a fight before
The used first CD was better<-- dunno they were both great.
I’m short, but that’s okay
The world should have just one language
Spider-man2 was awesome, better than the first<--Never saw it
Spiders are creepy
I’m still waiting for certain cartoons to arrive on
DVD boxsets
Nickelodeon was better in the early 90’s
It’s sad to see what kids have to watch today.
I’ve dialed 911 before
I’ve saved someone’s life before
My first name is five letters long<---ha my last names five letters
My last name is seven letters long<--my first name is eight
I’m going to be in college for at least four years
I’ve never had a Boyfriend/Girlfriend before
I know how to drive a motorcycle or four-wheeler
I’ve gotten lost in the woods before
I hate math with a passion
I still love reading children’s books
I have cried during a video game    LMAO
Hot Topic is awesome<-- wouldnt know..  americans and your hogging stores all to your fucking selves.
I am against online dating, it’s not real
I have no idea what my major will be
I love the song, “Time of your life/good riddance”
I’m going to Green Day’s concert in Chicago
I have more guy friends
I know someone who has more than eight brothers or
The walls in my house are a color other than white<-- okay obviously not the hall thoiugh, its too big.. but theres paintings on it and everywhere else is basicalaly colourful.. ish..
I’m overly obsessed with another country, namely Japan
I STILL have Pokemon cards lying around (i found them yesterday!!! ^-^!!)
Save our planet, don’t vote for Bush
My school year has been very funny and very random<-- LAMPS
I don’t know what the principal’s office looks like
(whoa i think you put a new paragraph by accident whoa.)because I’ve never been there
I’d die for all my friends
My hair is long
I have a broken appliance somewhere in my home<--im pretty sure.. is a computer an appliance? ehh.. close enough. my toaster sucks. that counts.
I still have my Barbies from when I was a kid<--okay for the record, its a what's her face doll.
I’m still friends with one of my childhood friends BITTIEKINS! and alex and people.. who you know who you are..
I can draw pretty well<--HA
I attend church nearly every Sunday
I know someone with at least six siblings<--Ha, my dad
I don’t collect Beanie Babies anymore, and never even
I wish I had a time machine
I’d rather criminals have a lifelong sentence than the
death penalty
I wish I could play guitar<-- better.. or well.
I’ve been struck by lightening before<-- hell yeha
I’ve been to Europe
I can name every president in order
I’ve never been stung by a bee before
I’ve laughed so hard this week my stomach hurt
A fire ant has bitten me
I have red/orange hair(partially)
I wear contacts
I’ve said a friends name before then added Chan/kun/san on the end (carmen's last name is chan.. lmao)
I have dentures<-- oh yeah
I love children(sometimes..)
I’ve broken a bone before
I’ve had homework over the summer before
I’ve read the hobbit and loved it more than LOTR (couldnt get through lotr)
I know someone named Chad
I’m interested in stamp collecting
I love the idea of Onizuka and Urumi (GTO) getting
I can’t draw non-anime people<--i can... sorta.. alil.. maybe... hardly..
I need to clean my room
I’ve been in a fire before .... ive set a fire before..
I’ve needed stitches before
I’ve been attacked by an animal before
I've watched Blue Clues before OMG IM SO INTO THAT WHEN I WATCH IT! IM LIKE ITS BEHIND YOU BTCH TURN AROUND!!!!!!! *throw pillow*
I’m lazy
I’ve taken so many quizzes it’s all just a blur
Orange is an awesome color!
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Name (or most recent alias):  CAREBEAR, screwdriver girl, CAROLINE hurray!!

Age: 13

Place of Origin: Mom's vagina<--Haha nice answer

Current Residence: toronto. hell yeah
Religion: im a mix of different things.. karma (when its for me .. lol) , reincarnation, witchcraft..i believe it..


Are you left or right handed?: Right but im learning to use my left more.

What color is your hair?: well i would say blonde, but i just got it cut so short theres like no blonde in it anymore.. but im dying it in on sunday or something.. and theres red (which is fading) in the front.

What size shoe do you wear?:  girls: 8 guys: 6

How many first cousins do you have?: Too many to count

What do you estimate your IQ to be?: like.... 70ish? 80ish?

What is the difference between ceramics and sculpture?: well one you OBVIOUSLY use ceramics and sculpture is what you do with the ceramics (unless you are doing a mozzaic or something)  and scultpture is like when you make a rock or mineral looks like something. frorm it. wait.. what does this have to do with me though? this is a shallow question?

Does photography count as a form of art?: duh
What about interpretive dance?:fuck yeha i respect those dudes are my heros.

Why are you still in school?: because ive only completed 7 and 7/10's of a year-ish?

Do you like big cities? yap.
Have you ever gone horseback riding? nope.

How many siblings do you have? 2


What do you think of lava lamps?: this is deep? THEY'RE COOL!

Who are your favorite authors, and why?: j.d. salinger (is that right?) and... sonya sones, carrie asai, the chick that wrote georgia nicholson books..

are your dreams like?: retardedly random and weird.

Do you believe in God, and why?: no. im sorry. just no.

Why do people bite their nails? i unno



What do you want in a romantic partner? not so much romance, fun, friendship, make me laugh.. make me think..

do you like it better when they are loud or quiet? quiet.

What's your favorite position? i wouldnt know.

What's your favorite place to 'do it'? uhhh where nosey little fuckers like you won't know whats going on?

How many people have you 'done it' with?  no one.

wish that number was bigger/smaller, or is it just right? i dont have this"number" you speak of?

what is the naughtiest thing you've ever done? iduno..

How many times a week (on average) do you masturbate? i find it .. no offense.. grossie..

How do you feel about the use of toys? i dont relaly care about you.. but im not like that thankyouverymuch.

What is more of a turn-on, erotic stories or naughty pictures? uh neither?

,watching a partner undress, or 69? i wouldnt exactly know..

reputation?  what about it?

What condoms are better, lubed or non? how the fuck would i know? actually lubed.. with spermicide stuf.. cant be too careful.. protection is cool :)!!

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01. I'm in a relationship
02. I can't eat sugar
03. I am in love <-- dunno

04. Bush is an awesome president.<-- and i like getting eaten alive by wild tortoises.

05. i think gay marriage should be approved
06. I enjoy playing my music loud
07. I like to decorate stuff
08. I love the color silver
09. I have too much free time
10. I love hugs!
11. I like to take pictures
12. I am a blonde (well... not YET.. it got cut off..)

13. I love Vanilla Coke<-- s'alright.

14.My parents are divorced
15. I get amused easily sometimes
16. I hate my siblings
17. I love all my friends to death
18. I have been to the Bahamas at least once
19. I love Aladdin
20. I'm afraid of losing loved ones
21. When I get home the first thing I do is get on the computer
22. I need to apply myself more
23. I need more sleep
24. I like to write poetry
25. Hypocrites piss me off
26. I wish I could ride a motorcycle ( add "had a boyfriend that"  in between i and could)

27. I don't like chocolate much
28. I have weird dreams
29. I don't have a shower
30. I love to swim
31. I'm scared of changes
32. I wish I could read minds
33. I don't do extracurricular activities
34. I'm too lazy
35. I am an atheist
36. I tend to hate jerks (who doesn't? tell me. who are they? WHERE are they?)

37. I'd rather have a small group of close friends than a large group of friends that I didn't know all that well
38. I'm easily hurt
39. I'm an Internet nut
40. AIM takes up 1/4 of my life
41. I like giving gifts
42. I enjoy receiving them as well
43. I'm quiet in class and loud with my friends(.. to a degree....)
44. I love watching films (except @ school...)
45. I am very crazy at times
46. I want to learn how to play the flute ( i already know how to.. it sucks)

47. I love where I go to school<---ehh
48. I hate my homelife (sometimes..)

49. I don't like eating (i dont like that i like eating)

50. I leave school soon<---For the Summer
51. I am an impulse spender(ehh)

52. I only ever seem to drink pepsi/coke
53. I have lots of nicknames.. not really..

54. I eat too much junk food
55. I've had a Xanga for over a year
56. I'm tough on the outside, super sensitive on the inside
57. I love video games
58. I am shy at first
59. I'm scared that the entire world hates me and I just don't realize it
60. I love sarcasm
61. I'm a bit blonde at times
62. I think I scare people sometimes
63. I think snobby people suck
64. I hate it when people judge others
65. I prefer the internet to the TV
66. I can cry and not be sad
67. I take a shower every day (i somehow dont have enough time some days.. but its okya because then i shower the next morning so s'okay)

68. I interrupt people a lot
69. I hate it when people ignore me or irritate me
70. I'm quiet, then I come out with random outbursts
71. I have a lot of pet peeves
72. I hate scratched CD's and DVD's
73. I love blue eyes
74. I hate acting girlish
75. I'm a very messy person
76. I want more piercings!
77. I hate my figure
78. My friends are loud but awesome
79. I sleep on my side (tummy)
80. I appreciate nice things that are done for me, even if it's just a compliment
81. I'd love to have the money to buy things for people for no reason at all
82. Iced coffee is the best
83. I want to get my ear's pierced again
84. I want my belly button pierced (ehh..)
85. I like sitting around doing nothing if it pleases me
86. I don't like talking to new people
87. I love horse back riding
88. I'm a day dreamer
89. I never want to get married (dunno)
90. I like clean sheets (who doesnt?)
91. I love to ramble about random things ( i doo that like all the time!)

92. If I leave my hair to dry it goes curly <-- messy waves..

93. I don't sleep much
94. I loathe sunbathing
95. I'm scared of the near future
96. I hate it when parents take sides
97. My starsign is virgo
98. I share my Birthday with an enemy.
99. I love receiving Xanga Comments
100. I've rode in a hot air balloon
101. I've bowled left handed
102. I love popcorn
103. I've liked my best friend before
104. I wake up to an alarm clock
105. I hide things under my bed
106. I hate close-minded people
107. I have gone sky diving
108. I've written a book
109. I love Def Leppard
110. I make wishes on "1:11" (they doont come true.. i think.. i cant remeber what i wished for really..)
111. I play lacrosse
112. I have the same best friend since kindergarten (we were close in kindies.. then difted apart alil but were still friends..a dn now we a back bestfriends forever)
113. I absolutely love cute/weird thongs/underwear
114. I know what I want to be when I grow up
115. I write in cursive
116. I paint my nails
117. My best friend lives in another state.(here they are called provinces..)

18. I watch T.V. to fall asleep
119. I try to always do my hair in cute styles
120. Whenever I'm bored, I usually resort to dumb surveys like this

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do you take surveys? i have no life

do you take showers? So I smell good.

do you yell at people? because people are stupid retards .

do you buy things? because they look alot nicer than anything i could make.

do you go on the internet? i really dont know.. its my non-existant life conspiracy theory. thing.

do you talk on the phone? because you arent on msn or im not..

do you stare at things?i zone out.sometimes its interesting and sometimes people do stuff like crazy get your attention.

do you brush your teeth? so my breath doesnt smell and they are white and clean..

do you brush/comb your hair? because i didnt style it the night before.

do you go to school? because my friends are there.

do you go places? well where the fuck else am i gonna go? everywhere is a place, theres no time im NOT in a place. jesus.

do you wear different clothes? because you need to wash the ones you already wore..

do you talk to people? because i dont live in a cave.. wait.. are these question supposed to make me think and question new-age society? cause its not working.

do you like people?  they are cool and they like me back.

do you hate people? 1. you hate me. 2. people suck.

do you watch tv? nothing else to do..

are you answering these stupid questions? good question.

looking at xanga sites? you forget the other verb btch (auxhillary verb.. i cant spell. somehting like that)

hate certain animals? i dunno.

use the computer? its ALL THAT IVE GOT.. yeah..

go to school? you already asked this you stupid hetero!

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