Aug 08, 2005 10:48
wicked lazy lately -- i'll give you a quick updateee.
sunday-tuesday // went to litchfield at camp, always a good time with the girls. =)
+ scaring kris. heh
+ dying lorynn's hair the same? color..yeeeah lol
+ mad gab -- PRETTY SH0CK SCENT haha
+ our one channel but ONLY when kris held the antenna the right way..
+ on the dock, in the early early AM hours..looking at stars - kind of. && listening to the crazy kids next door & they're tribal music, along with the occasional mating loons? yeah. wierd. whatev tho !!
+ yes morgen i'm using your method of updating, =) & honestly i don't even care if you have anything to say about it. =) i LOVE you. ♥
wednesday // morgen, megan, kris & joey came over -
+ thennn went to the fair wiiith brent,zach,chris,jessie,nate, ASHLEY EFFING ROSS,codyy!!,jon,justin i missed a.ross & cody =( they're probably my favorites. saw some pretty kick ass kids -- ALEX mother fucking GALLANT,becky,woodard,matth,eric,Blook,daniel,mycah,kendra,jeremy,colly,cheyanne,emily,kayla,ashley,meagan,ryan,chelsey,joey,&& kaylee. yeah they're pretty much the shit.
+ left early, went to taco bell with brent,zach,jessie,joey,jon & nate.
thursday // tristin came over around 1? or sometthing. pretty much just hung out all day,until 9ish..being wierd. i missed him SO much - hadn't seen him in forever..we hate New Jersey. he got me a build-a-bear omg it's so fuckinggg cute. it's pink & it says " i love you kelsey! " =) it's my favorite thing ever in the entire world.♥
friday // i went over to tristin's at 5, talked about some stuff, thenn around 8 baber came over & they played NCAA 06 for like 2 hours, awesome haha me & ariel just kinda chilled on the couch for awhile..He left at 10 - thenn we hung out until 11..then i went home - talked to tristin, until 3..then went to bed.
saturday // tristin came over around 12 -- hung out, watched the beginning of the pacifier buttt we got bored of it.."fought" for a while, got a bruise..on my lip, great haha - buttt i totally kicked his ass, again. like always. =) heh. thenn tristin had the AWESOME idea to go to carmel days with my mom - yeah no though it wasn't a good idea at all. Kris & Lauren came over &&&& we went. it was ridiculously gay, so we sat in the car for like an hour - thenn walked down to the store, thenn we left w. joey & went back to my house. tristin left around 10, laur,kris&joe left at liike 11ish? or sometime i don't know. butttttt i love tristin a lot, he's amazing..wicked glad he's MY boyfriend. =)
sunday // kris came over, we watched the pacifier && thirteen i absolutly LOVE that movie. ♥♥♥ thenn megan came over, then joey, then nate. thennnn we went to dysie's for like 10 minutes, & decided to go to dunkin d's instead. came home, hung out for awhile, talked to tristin, went to sleep.
today's going to be gayyyyy..there's nothing to do at all
+ tristin has to work -- dumb hopefully i'll see him later on though?
+ tumbling tonight..
+ the girls are hanging out tonight =) excited. i've missed morgen's slutty self.
+ the end i guess?
so, i guess this really wasn't a quick update. but who really cares right? - yeah didn't think so.
..the conclusion i & a few of my amazing friends came too girls are DUMB =) heh. honestly they just need to give up already - it's getting ridiculous, really it is. " oh baby i miss you, ilove you, i'm gayy mehh "..get used to it. ugh..but really, i'm over it..because the way i look at it..if he wanted them, he wouldn't be with me.& he is, so pretty much i'm just letting them be jealous..cuz well,they should be. =) haha. i love my friends so much.♥ && i love tristin.
k so i guess i'm going to go now. =)
bye bye beautifuls♥
i love you i love you i love you i l o v e y o u