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May 29, 2004 18:08

wow-----this week has been fUN! thursdaY-saTurdaY i hunG w. mUh bF4l cOurtney cOndra....we've had a blast...thursday spencer brOKe up w. courtnEy nd I got the back togehter......wOOt gO me...frIdaY kerrY tOOk us to get cigarettes nd drive us to troYs hOuse (.sUch a sweetIe.) theN to thE pOOl fOR the pOOl party...the tOday me nd her woke up nd we watched thirteen ghost w. jon....mOM came nd gOt me cuz trOy wanted to gO swim in i didnt--cuz me courtney nd muh mOm have been at the lake foR the last week..so i left...came home watched miracle..nd that is were we are nOw....tOmorrow im goIn back to courtneys hOuse....mOnday hanging w. Jessica....wednesdAY hangIng w. mUh clAiRe bEar...so if yOu wanna Do soMething this week..hOlla at me kaYs..

im out

::waLks aWaY::
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