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May 24, 2004 22:56

tOdaY was interesting--hung oUt w. jOsh nd dALToN fuN stuFF...i LoVE THEm!! jOsh is bY faR the bestesST..i lOve hIM waY mOrE than jUstin...BBF (. bEst bRothEr fOreVer.)

-----------------wOwsEr i nEEd tO sEE muH lYnN nD lOu gIrLs....I mIss thEm sOO mUch...thEY ArE mUh bEstEstEst frIEnds Of All tImE---gOsh i lOvE thEm sOO mUch....cOUrtnEy lYnn jEsSi lOu wHO nD bRiTtY shAy:: the ULtimAte friends...i swear id be super dead right nOw if i didnt have jessica nd courtney pushing me along..oh i lOve them...anYwhO

dude--tOmorrOw i need to hang oUt w. coUrtney oR clAIrE---if I haNg oUt w. claIre we can gO tO scOOters...i need sOme mOre cigarettes! CameL tUrkIsh jAde/roYal...waNNa gIVe? cLaiRe call me--dO yOu wanna hang out tomOrroW? teLL me--kAyS..i lOve yOu..

dUDe kAte mOss Is sOO fuCKINg goRgeOus...dAmN--claiRe iM oBsESsEd nOw tWo..

i taLked to darren toNite...
 i kinda get the feeling there is still something there...i dUnnO he wants to hang at his hoUse..shOuld i? i mean...i duNNo its gonna be so ackward hanging out w. him after all our wars...it makes me sad how we ended up..i telL yA oNe thINg..i loVed that kiD so much---cOurtney nd jessica can tell yoU hoW mUCh...every time i talk to him i always find myself listening to depressing music--ugh! first lOve..pOOpiE..hahA daRreN still is in schOOl..hehe

daMN--im gettin tan..the past twO weeKends ive been oN the beach--fri-suN alL damn day..im toaSteD

hehe--im listening to hansoN right now--mmmbOp..hEHe..everyOne used to lIke them..what happened..just like bSB nd nsync..i lOved them...::pOuts:: well yeh--COurtney/Jessica i listened to Spice girls toDay..LOl..for yOu guYs...hEHe...well..........................................

iM oUt!

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