Dear Journal.
I havent written in a while now, Sorry i left you nigelated/bored/lonely. I got my own diary, Speaking of diary I have to write in it. Bad news, I am repeating year 9.. I suppose its for my own good, To atleast try and get a half decent mark on my year 10 cerficate, The teachers are trying to get me outta the school, And they have no reason to expell me, So they do this trying to think that I would actully leave, But nope, Im not :).. I'll show them.
Hehe, Last night was soooo mad, Me,Angela,Jess,Ally,Emma,Sophie,Kylie and Jenna. All went out, And we went to this house. With all these hot guys, And when I say hot, I mean lusciously gorgeous. especially, Lewis,Harry & Tom. I was drinking Redbull/Orange, They were fucking beautiful. WoOhOo, This Jarrod guy was so fucking cool, He teached me how to do the "Get out of my face, Strut".. It was so madness, We were just chilling,drinking,smoking & listening to music.. And then around 11pm, We went to towns beach for a while, And their were a few people down there we met, and talked to.. And then a big cop wagon pulled up, And everyone bailed, And as we were walking down near Angelas house, The cops were like just be careful and shit, and Smartass Alex Turner goes "PIG CUNTS", And then they turned around and started following us, And then my anxiety attack triggered off. It was so patheic, I thought I was gunna die or something. Owell, Im obviously alive:), We went back to the guys house and then evantually Me,Angela,Jenna,Russell,Ben & Alex trekked down to Owen Str shop and met Barnesy,Macca and 2 randoms. We just chilled there, And Angela and Russell left, And we called a Maxi-Taxi.. On the way home, All the guys started screaming there heads of it was so fucking funny, And alex like had his arm around the taxi driver, And the taxi dudes like fighting him off, It was hilarious. Im surprised the poor old fucker didnt kick us all out. Me and Jenna, Got out and walked the rest of the way home,We got home at like 1:40am.. While i still had the anxiety. It got so bad when I got home, I was swearing and shit. But then evantually I passed out. And now ive got a chron-don hangover.
Anywhooooooo, tonight.. Jess is staying over. Where both stuffed from a big night, Where just gunna get movies and shit. And bum. Goodnews, the other day was the first time I hadnt cried, Yesterday I didnt. But at night time I did only because I had an anxiety. But hmm, I wonder if i'll get happier or not. Im just afraid of being happy now. We will soon see, Christmas in what 7 Days, Holy shit.. This year has gone so fucking quick! New years very soon.. Yes cant wait.. Carni gunna be aweasome for sure.
Well im off,
I'll try and start posting more now,
Until next time.
Love ya.