Dec 30, 2009 01:47
Figured I would post. Once in a blue moon and all that...
I am interested to see next week's Doctor Who. This is the episode in which my "always seeing James Bond actors as James Bond" goes up against "always seeing Doctor Who actors as Doctor Who." Now granted, a lot of Doctors don't go on to play big time roles (I do get a chuckle thinking about the Doctor as a Death Eater). I get the feeling, "James Bond is a Timelord, it all makes sense now," may occur. I just hope the return of the Timelords (if it happens as such), is more "We're fucking Timelords and prepared for this shit" and less, "we have this super magical deus ex machina is this room over here."
Also, "Sherlock Holmes" is a fun romp. While I am no Sherlock nerd or anything, it was nice to see Sherlock and Watson kick some ass and take some names, like the real men of action they are in the books (admittedly it has been a while since I have read any of them). This next part may be a bit SPOILER-Y. I almost wished that Guy Ritchie would of left more of the mystical tint at the end of the movie. I think I could of lived with a re-imagining which Holmes has a bit more Cthulhu mythos tinge. The "magic" is all revealed as clever tricks and science. Which is fine, except a fair portion of them the audience has no chance at figuring out since they didn't get all the information either through omission (bad story telling, bad) or have no hope of getting (no smell-o-vision movies).