I apparently caught up to the idiots on Shadow Council with my Death Knight. Was trying to finish up Dragonblight on Sat. through severe lag and competing with 5 or more people on each quest. On top of that, it was Barrens chat night, except less amusing. I also had a lvl 76 warlock pestering me (a lvl 74) for help to take down some 74 elite. Now I have no issue being a meat-shield, but a 'lock asking for help screams 'PHai1' and I can't be bothered to spend 30 mins trying to help some guy with something that
any competent player can solo.
So back to Argent Dawn. Time to give my pally some lovin' Need to steal a Greench kill anyway.
Edit to add: Wrathgate is A-W-E-awesome. The follow up, not so much. Basically, playing through events that more or less returns everything to the status quo is sort of hollow. While I know why they can't, it is still a storytelling let down.