Zombies part 2

Jun 08, 2007 02:39

We didn't have long to stand about, for right then, the sound of moaning echoed up from the stairs leading down. Two of the rotting creatures came lurching up the steps, but the government agents knew what they were up against, apparently. They cut them down with little help from us, and yelled that we needed to get downstairs and try to find the backup generator. Nick and Zargon took the lead and Iuro and myself made sure the back was covered.
We hit the bottom of the steps, and found that nothing was in sight. It seemed like we were in some kind of basement facility with all the walls a sanatized white. Suddenly, a tendril or root or something burst from the floor and skewered right through Nick's armor. He fell and Alexia immediately set about bandaging him up. I jumped onto a nearby table and yelled for the others to do the same. Another tendril burst out, another survivor fell. We needed to get to the bottom of this. I yelled for Iuro to follow me and I leapt from table to table, slowly making my way farther down the room. Eventually, we found the source of all our problems. It was some kind of giant, mobile plant. Apparently, it had broken out of a nearby containment vessal and had taken root after breaking through the concrete floor tiles. Two large pods, almost like venus flytrap mouths, rose from the mess and somehow the thing was making noise. "What kind of experiments are they doing down here?", I thought. The plant, just then, noticed us. It must of felt our vibrations through the tables or something. Snakelike tendrils burst from the ground, but couldn't reach us on the tables. They began to creep their way up the legs. Iuro yelled to the others about what we had found as I took aim. I didn't have much time, but my shots needed to count. Two cracks of pistol fire, and the pods were a ruined mess. I let out a sigh of relief and yelled that it was all clear.

With the situation a bit safer, the government agents say that we're going to have to split up. We need to have one group continue searching this level while the other group takes the upper floors. Somewhere, we had to find that backup generator. Zargon said he would take the upper floors, Nick agreed to stay in the basement. Joe piped up that we'd need someone good with electronics to get the generator back online, so he'd go upstairs. Zargon points to me and says that the upper team would need someone with a gun. Iuro chimed in to say that where I go, he goes. And so we four, along with one of the agents, made the team to search the upper floors. After bidding the others goodluck, we headed back up the stairs and down the hall, lead by Mr. Government man. Eventually, we reached a set of elevators: one massive frieght lift, one smaller personal lift. The frieght lift was out of commission, and seeing as how we didn't want to send us up one at a time to have to fend off god only knows what alone, Joe started working aat the elevator to see if he could fix it. Then the moaning began...
Pouring from the stairwells, emerging from other rooms, more of the beasts lurched towards us, hungry for our flesh. I jumped back onto a receptionist's desk in order to get a better shot, urging Iuro to follow. Zargon, a man possessed, leapt at the chance to bash the creatures down. With the sound of splintering bones and more than a few pistol cracks, the four of us laid the swarm low, defending Joe while he worked, only to hear what could only possibly be the worst sound possible...
From one of the side rooms where the zombies came from, we heard the rending of metal as if something were tearing the bars off of a cage. We heard the pattering of rapidly moving feet and then a blood-curdling howl. Zargon looked back at us and I steeled myself for what was to come, prepared to blast whatever ran through that doorway...
The thing that burst forth from that place was no longer the dog it once was. It's flesh now missing, it's muscles visible. Strange clear ichor dripped from the monster as it beared it's teeth...and was joined by several of it's friends.
Iuro and I began to fire, hoping that the screaming metal death would be enough to slow them down. The click of empty chambers was all that could be heard after the first wave. We reload as Zargon yells that we can't wait around all day, and that he's going to take the small elevator. He leaves just as the next group reaches us. We slam the bullets into the hids of the creatures, dropping them as quickly as they approach. Again the sounds of empty chambers. Quickly reloading, I tell Iuro that Zargon will need help up there. He jumps in the elevator next. I yell at Joe to get up, that the things must be truly broken. He gets up and takes the elevator next, just as I hear the sounds of more zombies. I glance at the government boy and take aim down the hall, preparing myself to drop the next flesh-eating freak that I see. I didn't have to wait long. 5 lurch around the corner and begin to shamble down the hall; 5 gunshots later and they no longer had heads. Down to a mere 6 rounds, I take the chance to get into the elevator and ride up, shortly followed by the agent...

Zargon and Iuro must have fought a bunch of the things, but now, the path was clear. With a sarcastic "What took ya so long?", Iuro and Zargon started down the hall, the rest of us keeping up and on the lookout for more creatures. Not long after, we found the generator room, and Joe began to work fervently at repairing it. The relative quiet of that room only added to the atmosphere, allowing us to stand alone in our thoughts. A quick reprieve from the activity earlier...

***End of Part 2***
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