Title: Roses and Cards
Pairing: Wesley/Fred
Rating: G
Word Count: 1000
Summary: Fluffy piece for Valentine’s Day.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
AN: For my prompt table at
15_song_titles When Fred was little, she loved Valentine’s Day, while hating it at the same time. She loved the pink constructive paper the teacher always brought and the red markers they were allowed to use. She made little Valentines, mostly for her parents, and would grin when they placed them on the refrigerator and brag about them to their friends.
While she loved that part of Valentine’s Day, there was also a part Fred loathed. She hated that they celebrated the day at school. The giving of cards wasn’t that bad, but the receiving was. The teacher always made sure everyone got a card, but Fred knew her classmates never really wanted to give her one. Usually, the ones she got were torn, with scribbles on them. Nothing like the other students received.
As she got older, Fred ignored Valentine’s Day. And, when she went to Pylea, she forgot it even existed.
But now, as she sat behind the small desk Angel had gotten for her room, Fred stared down at the Valentine’s Day card in front of her. The pen, a black one because that seemed like the best color, was posed in her hand and all she had to do was sign her name. Yet, she couldn’t. She hesitated, thinking maybe it wasn’t a good idea to give him a card. What if he didn’t like it? What if he didn’t like her?
With her bottom lip firmly between her teeth, Fred scribbled out ‘from your secret admirer’ before carefully placing the card inside its pink envelope. She just hoped he didn’t think it was from someone else.
When Wesley was little, he studied Cupid during his mythology lessons. He never saw the God was something card companies placed on cards. He didn’t even fully understand what Valentine’s Day was until he was older and in private primary school. Of course his father forbid him to celebrate it, saying it was nothing more than a nonsensical holiday for those who believed in love.
As he got older, Wesley continued to ignore the day. Once, when he was at the Watcher’s Academy, he received an unsigned card. He spent weeks trying to find who’d sent it, only to find out he had been the target of a cruel prank. The card had been sent by his dorm mates, not one of the other students.
But now, as he sat behind the desk that had once been Angel’s, he watched as a pink envelope fell out of his tablet. He looked at it for a moment and opened it. The front had a crude drawing of a cat, along with the words: ‘You’re the cat’s meow’. He didn’t have to think about who sent it - only Fred would think that was adorable.
And, it made her adorable.
He only hoped she was serious.
The flower delivery man left and Fred bounced a little. With the vase of flowers - beautiful pink roses - in her hand, she walked into Wesley’s office to show him her bounty. “Aren’t they beautiful?” she asked before setting them down on his desk. She then started to look through the bookshelf to find one of her books.
“They are. Who’re they from?” Wesley questioned as he looked up from his work.
“There wasn’t a card. Cordy got some too so it’s probably Angel. Trying to be nice and all,” Fred commented. She pulled a book out and moved over to the desk.
Wesley watched her as she carefully pulled a rose out of the glass vase. Fred carefully cut the stem off before placing it in the book. She then closed it and gave him a grin, and Wesley felt himself grinning back.
“What if they aren’t from Angel? Maybe you have a secret admirer,” he said.
Fred furrowed her brow for a brief moment before looking at him. “They’re from you?” she asked, remembering how she’d signed the card she’d given him. Had he figured it was from her?
“I don’t know,” Wesley said as he opened his desk drawer and placed the Valentine’s Day card on his desk. “Is this from you?”
She blushed and ducked her head. “Yes,” she quietly admitted.
“I figured so. And, yes, the flowers are from me,” Wesley said.
Fred looked up and leaned over his desk. She brushed her lips over his cheek, which sent tiny shock waves down Wesley’s body. He wanted more but he was willing to wait.
The book, which is bulging at the seams, catches the attention of the little girl. She carefully pulls it from the shelf, remembering what she has learned about books and how one is supposed to be careful with them. She opens it up, her eyes widening at what she finds. Whoever heard of putting flowers in books? But, she doesn’t dwell on it because the pink roses are pretty and she likes to look at them.
She takes the book to the desk and climbs on the chair that’s much too big for her. Turning the pages, the young girl touches each flower, ten in all, and smiles at their beauty. She then shuts the book and pulls open the desk drawer, hoping there’s a piece candy in there. Instead of candy, she finds piles of cards with kittens and puppies on them.
When the door opens, the little girl jumps and looks up.
“What are you doing?” Fred asks, her lips lifting in a smile.
“Looking,” the little girl tells her mother. “There’s flowers in this book.”
“I know. I put them there.”
“How come?”
Fred moves further inside the room and behind the desk. She picks her daughter up and sits on the chair before placing the little girl on her lap. “That’s a good story. I could tell it to you,” she says.
“Is there a prince and princess in it?”
“Uh huh,” Fred answers before starting the story about how Wesley and her started their relationship.