All's quiet on the stormy front..

Mar 12, 2010 15:05

It's been a quiet day today..except for the thunder outside. I don't mind rain, I just don't like the freaky rain stuff.

As for me, I'm holding up the best I can. So is Matt. We've got the bills caught up for this month, so things are a little easier.

Whenever a decision needs to be made we work it out together. But it's still not the same without Mom here.

Nothing's the same without Mom here.

I went to Walmart on Wednesday and got the first two seasons of Burn Notice on DVD, Mom got me hooked into watching it, she'd found it when she was at the hospital on chemo.

Helps with the lonelies around here. Fun to watch and Jeffrey Donovan's beautiful (Jessie you know what I mean.).

My birthday's not going to be the same. I told Matt we can skip it, but he's like Don't talk like that!

Is it awful to buy yourself a birthday present? I got the MPFC megaset finally, so that's an upside.

I know I should be cleaning or something, but you ever have a day where you just don't want to do anything? Today's that kind of day.

People have asked me if I've gone back to work, and I say no. I just feel better being here, keeping the house going. Matt's at his job. We're okay money-wise,because he has his, and I have access to the main account at the bank, so I can pay the bills and the mortgage and such.

I changed my IM to Windows Live, (, if anyone wants to add it you're more than welcome.

Happy Birthday Stels :)
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