It's been a interesting day.

Nov 13, 2009 02:32

Today was a interesting day, we went to Mom's doctor over in Knoxville. He restarted the new chemo she's on, something called Xeloda, which is a stronger version of one she's taken in the past, one that was proven to work. The other she'd been on stalled out, causing her chemo markers to jump from 12 (where they'd been not too long ago) to 45! Which is MAJORLY not good. She asked him would this new medicine keep the cancer at bay like the previous did, and he said no, it might just cure it. Which would ROCK! That's what I've been praying for, that's where my head and my heart's been at. Sometimes my prayers are more like mantras cause it's the same over and over and over, but God's been listening. I really believe that.

The guy we rode with up there was sweet, a little scattered but sweet. The other passenger however wasn't. She was RUDE. Didn't even speak to Mom and me. What Mom said was right, you're supposed to acknowledge people even if you don't talk to them the whole time, at least acknowledge the person exists. I try to do that in the store too, I'll smile at you, even if you don't return it, I'll still smile.

She's going to go get her tattoo tomorrow, the same bloke who did mine's doing it. He's taken three months to get around to the thing which is goofy, but I'm hoping it turns out cool.

While she's doing that, I'm going to the library, she wants me to try downloading tunes for her on her Mp3 player. Which I'll be glad to do, 'cause she's a rock and roll person like me, 'specially the cats who did Sweet Home Alabama. I wish I could find the song ZZ Top did for BTTF 3, I always liked that.I've got a BTSB song I'm listening to now. DON'T LAUGH.

The MJF song I have is so sweet, its from Light of Day, one of his movies I've NOT seen yet. Sad I know. But that's the beauty of, I can get all the MJF and Keanu movies I want. Thanks to my handy-dandy gift card thingie.

I'm downloading a lot of tunes from the eighties, stuff I remember from when I was a kid many moons ago. Mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and when I told her, she goes don't buy everything for yourself, let some of us other people do. I DO know I want either one of MJF's books. I would say Michael Palin, but I cheat by reading them at his website. It's all good though.

Thanks to everyone who's read my scribblings on here, I'm just a rookie writer, but I've love it ever since I was a kid, my first story was about werewolves.

Cheers to everyone out there's who's doing Nano, I wish I could.

Take care :)

Oh and whoever it was that made my Marty/Jennifer icon, you rock. I've always loved that his girlfriend in BTTF had my name.
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