Something Like You Finale

Nov 10, 2009 07:58

I'm happy to say that issue was resolved, the DNA test proved Keanu wasn't the father.

We were all relieved, the lady was still wigging out though, saying it even showed she wasn't the mother, which is dumb.

Keanu's got a bunch of projects lined up that he's looking at, he's not really committed to anything yet.

Things were great between us, better than they'd ever been.

We do our own thing, go where we want to, when we want to.

If the press see us, we'll just pretend they're not there.

That's the battle plan so to speak.

Mom's waiting to hear back from the doctor about continuing the pill chemo, or going to something else.

I'm hoping and praying everyday for things to work out, Mom's been through enough already.

This fellow she's going to seems really great, willing to help on stuff, which is better than the last dude, who chattered mostly.

Everything was good, everything was fine, even at work, Joe changed my shifts back to really late at night, Keanu staying there with me.

Until one night, which I don't really quite remember all too well.

Fawn and I were working late, trying to straighten up stuff, and I volunteered to take the money bag down to the bank.

It was just a few blocks away, within walking distance.

Fawn didn't want me to, but she had enough to deal with, I thought if I helped in some small way, I'd be glad to do it.

On the way there, however, I was attacked.

I don't know if they got the bag away from me, I remember fighting to keep it.

A whole lot of the rest I don't.

Fawn saw the whole thing, calling the ambulance, and when they'd sped me away to UCLA hospital, she called Keanu.

"it's ANNIE! She's HURT! She's HURT BAD!"

I woke up a few hours later in a hospital room, and there he was by my side.

"Annie! Thank God," he said.

"Hey," I croaked. "When'd you get here?"

"I've been here for a long time, baby, " he said.

"Have I been asleep?"

"No," he said stroking the hair off my forehead. "You've been unconscious. The doctor said you're going to be okay. You're lucky, he said. God, Annie, what happened? I should have been there, you shouldn't have been out alone."

"You're here now," I said, touching his arm. "That's all I care about."

He smiled, standing up to give me a kiss on the forehead.

It hurt, but I didn't care.

"I'm gonna take care of you," he whispered. "From now on. No matter how many times you tell me no."

"Who says I'll say no?"

He smiled, squeezing my hand.

"I love you," he said softly.

"I love you too."

"Tell you something funny," he said, clasping my hand to his heart. "I told the nurses you were my wife."

"You did what?"

He smiled.

"So they'd let me in," he said. "You are as far as I'm concerned. Just missing the jewelry's all."

I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Shh...don't cry, baby," he said, comforting me. "Everything's going to be allright."

I relaxed under his touch.

"It's not sad tears, it's happy ones," I said. "I'm glad something like you happened to me."

"I'm glad too, baby. I'm glad too."


So many times
I thought I held it in my hands
But just like grains of sand
Love slipped through my fingers
So many nights
I asked the Lord above
Please make me lucky in love
To find a love that lingers

Something keeps telling me
That you could be
My answered prayer
You must be Heaven sent
I swear


Something happens
When you look at me
I forget to speak
Something happens
When you kiss my mouth
My knees get so weak
Could it be true
This is what God
Has meant for me
'Cause baby I can't believe
That something like you
Could happen to me

Something like you

Girl in your eyes
I feel your fire burn
All your secrets
I will learn
Even if it takes forever

With you by my side
I can do anything
I don't care
What tomorrow brings
As long as we're together

My heart is telling me
That you could be
My meant to be
I know it more each time
We touch


Repeat chorus

Something magical
Something spiritual
Something stronger than
The two of us alone

Something physical
Something undeniable
Nothing like anything
That I've ever known

Repeat chorus

That something like you
Could happen to me

Something happened...
Can't believe that
You happened to me.

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