Apr 29, 2008 10:02
okay so, champaign-urbana = tiny university town. and the college kids are all studying for finals, so champaign-urbana = tiny deserted university town. there's not a great deal to do here.
however, i AM going to do these things today:
go to the MALL. we went briefly yesterday and it was basically deserted and there was 1 cop/security guard wandering around. he looked about 15, i'm not sure. he looked nervous and like he wanted to shoot people though. scary.
go for a jog/ walk around the nearest blocks to the hotel. i can see a park from my window and i intend to go visit it! it's been pretty fucking cold though, so i may be visiting the park in casual clothes and not my workout clothes.
track down some non-fatty food. this may be impossible. last night i ordered a salad on room service. i didn't really want a salad buteverything else has just been soooo massive, and so full of fat, that i was really craving some healthier food.
boy was i deluded! i ordered my dressing on the side (it was seriously a fucking CUP of dressing!) and i think my salad had been frozen inside of a container of lard or something. bizarre. i don't think paris hilton has ever actually eaten at the hilton, or she'd be way fucking fatter. so anyhow, i'm wondering how american's manage to not kill themselves from overeating by the age of 5. (my apologies to any american's reading this, but WOW, you guys eat a LOT of food.) maybe all american's just have ridiculously fast metabolisms. it's really the only thing i can think of to explain it. even the skinny people are hoeing down on mega plates of food, and finishing their meals! while i have the room service guy saying "is that it?" when all i order is a salad in an indignant tone.
maybe i sound really whiny (yeah i do), but the food situation has knocked me for six. (is that an american expression? i think it is, i am being americaniZed). my poor body just feels slow and sluggish, and i've been avoiding ordering what are clearly fatty meals. that deep dish pizza in chicago i want to try is going to send me over the edge, i just know it.
also, what is with american public toilets? you can see through the doors! not like the whole door, but down both sides of the door, where the hinges are, there is a 1cm gap on either side, that can clearly been seen through, from both sides. this is disconcerting. i like to pee in private, minus the viewing window. also the toilets are about 20 cm closer to the ground than ours, so i feel like i'm super tall!
last night brett met a french-canadian at his conference that wanted to meet me, because the last australian girl he met wanted to sleep with him, and he was wondering if it was just because she was australian and he was french canadian. brett assured him that he would not be able to sweep me off my feet. which is true, nobody puts brett in a corner.
french canadian's with big egos