026. Smell

Jan 30, 2007 00:54

Whoot! My first entry for the slash100 community/challenge! Figure I'd post them up here, too, so I can see what my friends think! Enjoy! Please comment if you read! I really wanna know how I'm doing. ^^

Title: Heaven’s Scent
Fandom: Miami Romances
Characters: Roberto Montez/Alistar Manuel
Prompt: 026. Smell
Word Count: 314
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Basically drabble. Short, sweet, and to the point. I decided to use a cut anyway.

It was all so familiar. Slender limbs wrapped around him, a warm cheek pressed against his chest beneath the covers, tendrils of silken blonde hair sweeping across his skin. He was fascinated constantly by the contrast of his own dark tan skin against the platinum blonde of his boyfriend’s hair. And, seeing as the blonde was still asleep, he took that opportunity to pick up a strand of that beautiful hair and reverently hold it up to the light, watching the Miami sun play off of it. It was like spun gold. However, it wasn’t just Ali’s hair that entranced Robbie. No, it was deeper than that.

When they lay twined as they were, coiled about one another, clean but naked - having been too lazy to put anything on after their shower - Robbie found himself enfolded in a warm, almost wicked, perfume. A heady scent that seemed to seep right into his own pores, as he lay awake and simply breathed. Ali smelled of strawberries, sandalwood, and the musky remains of their earlier lovemaking, not to mention the undertones of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and Robbie’s own cologne.

As he felt Ali stir against his chest in the light of mid-morning, Robbie grinned and shifted, rolling them over and waking his lover in the process, meeting the sleepy and adorably confused teal eyes of his lover.

“Robbie…what’re you…” A yawn hid in an almost-delicate seeming way by a large, elegant hand. “What’re you doing Caballero?” Ali murmured tiredly, his golden hair spreading out beneath him in a messy halo against the satin-covered pillow. Robbie grinned and dipped his head down to nestle his nose into the crook of Ali’s neck and shoulder, inhaling deeply. “Robbie…?” Ali’s voice showed obvious confusion as his brow furrowed softly. Further questions were silenced by a tender kiss.

“Shush.” Robbie nuzzled at Ali’s neck. “I’m seeing what angel’s smell like.”
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