What can I say; I feel like wasting time. Did that a lot today.
Meme stolen from Tara
1. Compose a list of your top ten sexiest famous men.
2. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
3. Post them in your journal/blog.
I tried to make it less of people I like for a character and more people who are dead sexy on their own, which is why Billy Boyd, David Krumholtz, William Christoper and Wayne Rogers (Father Mulcahy and Trapper from M*A*S*H) are missing. If it were just hotness all over, they'd be in it too. Anyway, on with the sexy!
1. Michael Therriault
He's the current object of my fangirling at the moment, despite the fact that it's a little bit harder to fangirl a stage actor than a tv/movie one (though he's done a bit of that). Maybe not drop-dead-sexy on first glance, but he's a "preciously" adorkable, and that's just as good (or better--just lookit that sha-sweet smile!) He's got a lovely voice, speaking and singing, and that's even better. He's an absolutely amazing actor who made me believe in a very tricky, often-caricatured part 100%. Plus, by all accounts (and my own brief experience), he's sweet as apple pie, and that's even more sexy than being *insert Hollywood hunk here* And finally, if you ever get to/got to see him in action...that boy is feh-lex-hihble. And that, my friends, is just sexy.
Plus, curly haired shy-guys FTW.
2. Alan Doyle
Oh man, Alan Doyle, the golden-throated b'y of Great Big Sea. He's got a heart-dropping voice like molten caramel, and a gorgeous smile to match (not seen here--that's his quite smile. I should've found one with the BIG smile). That smile alone can cure a week of suckitude. And, of course, the lucious locks that he has to brush back oh-so-sexily. Plus, we can't forget the button nose and the liddle bit of a tummy (zomigosh, don't you just wanna hug him like mad?) that I spent most of the concert staring at. And he's nice, funny, and all around gorgeous. Top of my list.
3. Donald O'Conner
If I had a TARDIS... Those bright, twinkling blue eyes, that impish, "I'll do anything if you're not careful" smile. The amazing level of physical comedy this guy could do (he had to be hospitalized after filming "Make 'Em Laugh," then they lost the footage, so he filmed it again!). If I could pick a perfect man, it would be Cosmo Brown--I'd marry him in an instant. But he's not real.
If Therriault is the embodiment of sha, then O'Connor is the embodiment of canille. Perfect word for him.
4. John Simm
There's something about his face...I can't figure it out, because he's buggered hard to draw. But something about that perfect smile (again, didn't find one with that smile)--always looks so perfectly happy--and those squinty eyes, and the little snub-nose. It just works to make this man dead sexy. And c'mon, who wouldn't gladly vote Saxon for a favor or two? World domination? Eh, why not!
5. Lee Pace
I'm convinced that the sole purpose of a man like Lee Pace playing a character like The Piemaker in Pushing Daisies is to make women happy in their pants. That is all.
Oh wait, one more thing. The eyebrows. The eyebrows! Puppy-man.
6. Alan Tudyk
I can't forget him, now, can I? Less strictly sexy than most of the rest here, but still. My favourite wacky little redhead. Even if I don't follow him quite so much anymore. I'm sorry, Alan, sweetie, but even you can't make me watch something like Knocked Up.
7. Danny Kaye
Speaking of wacky redheads...though technically, his was dyed (I felt so cheated when I found out). No matter. If Cosmo Brown is unavailable, I'd gladly marry his version of Walter Mitty. He's got such a sweet smile, too. And he makes these terribly undignified sounds... not that that's sexy, but it seems to pop up a lot on the list. But really, he's just an adorable, endearing, ridiculously talented man, and if you're not in love with him by the "Vhat makes muzik muzik, ah?" scene, there's somethin' wrong with you. Adorable comedians with a Catskill Baptism FTW (I'd throw all the Marx Brothers in here, but how would anyone compare, really?)
8. Heath Ledger
My secret's out...I like pretty boys sometimes too. But Heath Ledger, he was the one I loved. Of all the mainstream Hollywood actors, he was the only one whose IMDB page I'd check, and I was always so excited for his next project. He had a smile like a knife--don't know how else to say it--and I fell in love with him as far back at 10 Things I Hate About You. On the sexy-scale, he was drool-worthy in his pretty-boy roles, then he went and did a scruffy, bespectacled, bookish nerd, and I fell hard. He was gorgeous, and he was a fantastic actor, and I was one of the few geeks who was stoked when we first heard news of him as the Joker, and I still feel a little pang of regret just about every time I see a picture of him now and think of all the wonderful things he'll never be now. I'll cry so hard when I watch Dark Knight.
I'm vaugely miffed that now all anyone can think of him is that he died. I'm miffed that it's the first thing that comes to my mind as well. Even if he gets the Oscar, people will say it's because he died. It still seems like some mistake's been made, and any day the newspapers will report that they got it all wrong and he's chilling on an island somewhere and had no idea all this gear was going on.
9. Philip Glennister
Raw animal magnetism. I don't usually go in for that, but face it, Gene Hunt is to make ladies happy in their pants as well. But he's sexy in the rest of his roles too. I still love him as Lawrence in Calendar Girls. Cute, cuddly, and totally out of his depth. I'm trying to think of what he looks like when he smiles, and I honestly can't, which makes him probably the only guy on this list who I don't love for his smile. He's always grumpy-looking.
10. Ewan McGregor
Voice like melting chocolate, smile like a ray of sunshine. The other pretty-boy off my list. What can I say--he stole my heart in Moulin Rouge and hasn't given it back. He's fun to watch, and if you pick up some of his lesser-known in the States stuff (like Brassed Off), it's usually a lot of fun. Not someone I really follow, so he gets place ten. Besides--kilt! I needed someone in a kilt, and much as I love Fraser Hines, I'm not putting a guy on the list for legs alone.
And just because I'm reading the books again, and it's been on my mind since watching the play, I'll throw in a bonus who doesn't quite count because it's only when the actor's dressed as the character, but:
Bonus: Sean Astin as Samwise Gamgee
Sam Gamgee. 'Nuff said, really. Astin's portrayl of Sam always floored me--I have nothing but the deepest respect for just about all the actors from those films and everything they did, but he was the one who was just absolutely perfect. I don't think I ever saw another Sam in my mind's eye but the one he played. He became Sam. He was Sam. And I wish I had RotK, because I keep thinking of that scene and want to watch it again: "Let him go, you filth."
Samwise Gamgee, you're everything a man, nay, everything a human being should be, and we'd all do better to try and be more like you.
That was actually kind of tricky.