What was that you graduated in, again Laura? That thing you got the shiny piece of paper from just a few months previous to tell all and sundry that you studied for nigh five years? Oh yeah, was it...ART?!?
...Why yes, Gollum-self, I believe it was.
Well, putz, why don't you, y'know, do something, y'know...arty?
Well, Gollum-self, I don't have a scanner at the mo'.
Whine summore. Do something.
Oh fine. Why look, here's a bunch of stuff I scanned right before leaving. I believe some of this dates back to, oh...May?
Procrastinate much?
Shut up, Gollum-self.
DOODLES! Harley I may turn into something a bit more. A sketch of Hark from The Thirteen Clocks because he's cool, and almost makes me wish there was more depth to that story. And a few sketches of kiddie versions of Firefly characters for a project I was tossing around for the Serenity Tales collection. I may still go ahead and do that, once I finish up with HalloweenMan and that Harry Potter illustration. Owen from Torchwood up top. New take on poor Constantine Spriggan, who used to be a dorky, sunburned sailor, and is now...I'm not quite sure what. And the obligatory Toad sketches.
Remember that Draw Yourself as a Teenager meme from months back? Yeah, I did this the day I heard about it. Seriously. I just haven't been buggered to do anything about it.
So...that would be me about freshmen/sophmore year of highschool. Pre-Floppy-Hat, even. Still had the bangs--great big poofy bangs--and my hair was just starting to grow out, and I kept trying to do that little half-ponytail thing (still can't). Still wore contacts back then. Was a little more bulky back then--I dropped a lot of weight walking around Savannah in college, and in highschool, instead of getting toned from doing Karate, I just wound up with massive shoulders. My fashion-sense was even less developed than it is now, consisting chiefly of oversized t-shirts with anime characters and wolves on, often black. I wanted to be punk, because all the cool drama-kids in the theatre club were, and I'm a sucker for interesting visuals, but I didn't really have anything to rebel agains, and I was too cheap/lazy to get plaid. So I settled for safety-pins holding together my ripped jeans and my friggen sweet sneakers with the three-inch soles that I found at a Goodwill (how I never fell on my face in those, I don't know).
My chief accessory of the time, of course, was my Plastic Purple Portfolio. Came everwhere with me, filled with blank paper and recent drawings and just about anything else. I loved that thing.
For awhile, the highlight of my day was driving home from work for lunch, and watching whichever episode of Law & Order: SVU or Homicide I'd downloaded. I called it my Munch Lunch. He's fun to doodle. That's not a self-insert there, I don't know what you're talking about. It's totally Jefferies...with glasses.
I tried to be productive one day, and did quick line-ups for Puck. Some of the New Orleans and New Mexico crews up top: Vikki, Veronica, Toby, Rob, Wayne, Paul, Harry, Casey, Raven, Coyote. The Rude Mechanicals below them: Lewis, Erik, Shag, Rhys, Figg, Shill, and Sven. And then some pen-doodles of Paul. Oh Paul, you're such an arrogant, surly teenager, and I heart you. The angry ones are always so much more fun to write.
These are kind of crap, and the hasty-scanning on an unfamiliar scanner didn't exactly help. Ah well.
So, my
Bridgeport character. Evelyn Shane. She has an unfortunate affliction that is tricky to pin down visually, because let's face it, I'm crap at drawing monsters. But at any rate. She takes the spades, because "demonic possession" is the closest thing she can figure, but it's more like "Fairie Possession."
She did a lot of world travelling. One day, in the woods in Devonshire, she made a bit of a mistake, and a rather malevolent and old Fae found her full, true name, and took over her body. This is particularly upsetting, because he hadn't had a corporeal body for awhile, and really likes causing trouble and getting some tail. And when he's in the driver's seat, he, ah...reshapes her body with the approrpriate equipment.
She didn't actually gain conciousness for over a month. After that, she only had control, and her proper shape, in fits and spurts, which she used to her advantage. Since the Fae controlled her form with her name, she figured the best way to combat that was with his full name. Trouble, he has a lot of names, so she's been travelling around the world finding them out. All of her necklaces and jewlery have fragments of his name on them, and each one she adds helps her regain a bit of control.
Which starts the next problem. Because the two of them vying like that has actually spawned a third personality/shape. Mostly male, but less malevolant and more wacky than the Fae, calls himself Vel. He's fairly aware of Evelyn, and likes doing things that will annoy her when she comes to. Neither of them really have the slightest idea how very dangerous the posessing Fae is, but Evelyn's beginning to suspect that one of his names may be Loki. At very least, she knows he's basically a spirit of pure chaos that she really shouldn't've let out. After a really bad incident, she exiled herself to Bridgeport temporarily, where she still has a lot of access to good information/spells, until she can guaruntee it won't happen again.
What she doesn't know is that while every little bit of name helps her get a little more control over herself and Vel (who she refuses to acknowledge as a seperate entity), it's impossible for her to ever seperate herself from the Fae. When she started collecting his name, he (in her form) tattooed their names intertwined inbetween her shoulderblades, locking them together fairly effectively.
There, was that weird enough? It's been, y'know, months, so I've forgotten the coherent version. I just wanted to be bizarre like the cool kids.
Last thing I did before leaving. Quick, photoshop doodle of an original Transformers character, of all bloody things. His name's Ramjet. Or else it's Slapdash. Depends on whether he's a Decepticon or an Autobot. He's even got a backstory, which is probably messed up as heck, given that my only real knowledge of Transformers canon is the movie that I saw once.
Okay, I'm glad I finally got that rid of and all. It's old gear, and I've actually been doing a fair bit of drawing, but without a scanner, it's moot. Maybe now that this is off my jumpdrive, I'll actually be productive and turn out some stuff that's not, y'know...crap.
...One can only hope.
For some reason, all my spazzy fangirly-ness has reminded me of
Emo McWhineypants. Y'know, speaking of crap.