A little all over the place

Feb 10, 2011 19:44

Ugg... I'm all over the place right now. I don't even know what to blame anymore, I'm just a frazzled mess. It's kinda like life is just swirling around me and it's all I can do not to vomit so I close my eyes but you can't grab what you need from the cyclone if you can't see it...

Mind's going a mile a minute too, heh.

Like, there was a thought that I wanted to record here, and that's why I started this post, but, *poof*, just like that it's gone. I'm not even sure what it entailed anymore. :P It's all I can do to try to make sure what NEEDS to get done is getting done.

Things are ok, I'm keeping busy. Lots of playdates cause a happy Devin is a happy mommy ;). The two of us did Legoland today, it was pretty rockstar and we WILL be doing that again <3. Work is well. Uh... lots of snow still. It's hard to pull out onto a street cause the plow piles are so tall! Money's all over the place, recovering from the car accident. I'm just happy to have my car back. Been slightly sick, just little colds, but this winter's been MUCH much better to both of us illness wise. Been reading a little again. Working on the potty training... she's pretty much there, no accidents, EXCEPT she refuses to deficate in the potty, so she'll just change into a pull-up. *sigh* at least I know she can hold it...

You know, just little life things.

Oh, I remember one thing, just a random comment. I REALLY want to go out dancing, like at a club. Just a powerful urge to lose myself in the music in an anonymous crowd and just get my dance on. Yes.

Still got that edgy, ansty energy thing going on. I've got a BAD jones to create. Issues include lack of concentration, Devin (which I'm ok with), and a desire (not new) to do too many things at once. AND, even though I'm supposed to be breaking from Facebook, I find myself occasionally digging through my wall, which eats up WAY too much of my time. Damnit.

Devin's been a positive ROIT lately. She is in full performance mode these days. She shows off for all my friends. She's dancing very well, matching the musical tone and beat, being creative and with TOTAL attitude. Fist on her little hip and everything. She's learning song lyrics and singing along. She's reciting nursery rhymes WELL. She's coloring almost in the lines ;). Snow is her BEST friend. As is Ellie, and CJ, and Molly, and many children she meets, heh. She counts to 13 or 14 without help now, she she's getting better at letter recognition.

And the way she TALKS!! It's like she's 3 going on 30!! Like, we were playing with play doh and she wanted to know how to make green so we took a pinch of blue and yellow and mixed them. I explained that once we mix them we can't separate them. She looked at me and in total serious said "Are you kidding me?!" *laughs* Her choices of phrasing kill me. A few days ago she told me "You know, it's still Christmas." I said oh, really, and she answered, "Yeah. See, cause there's still snow outside, so it's still christmas."


A little dream, she really is <3.

distracted, social, desire, magic, sick, work, friends, snow, frazzled, playing, life, creative, energy, update, antsy, devin, milestone

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