MAJOR Devin update, 20, 21 and 22 months!

Aug 03, 2009 00:11

OK, so... I definitely prefere each month having it's own update, but I've been so busy and we just kept getting sick, so to catch back up here's Devin's 20, 21 AND 22 month updates together :). I don't think I can separate them at this point anyway.


Milestones update:

Everything else plus:
20 months
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
• Feeds doll YES
• Takes off own clothes NO, only her socks/shoes, though if I help her she can finish the job. I'm ok with this.
• Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away YES
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
• Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day YES, though how do you REALLY know?!
• Can walk up stairs (but probably not down) YES, and down on her own o_O
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
• May start exploring genitals YES
• Draws a straight line Uh... I dunno, we don't draw a ton. May have to draw more...
• Names several body parts YES

21 months
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
• Can walk up stairs YES
• Able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place) YES, often
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
• Throws a ball overhand NO, no that I've seen
• Kicks ball forward YES
• Stacks six blocks NO... I don't have blocks... she stacks books? Maybe I need blocks...
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
• Names simple picture in a book YES
• Can walk down stairs YES

22 months
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
• Kicks ball forward YES
• Follows two-step requests (e.g., "Get your doll and bring it here") YES
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
• Does simple puzzles YES, she can sometimes get the magnets right in her alphabet book
• Draws a straight line YES. All over herself -_-
• Names several body parts YES, excitedly
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
• Puts on loose-fitting clothes KINDA, she tries, but she's not too successful
• Might be ready for a big bed NO, I love her crib ;)
• Understands opposites (e.g., tall vs. short) YES I think, but it's hard to say

More milestone info.

Oh... my... GODDESS!!! Where to start? It's like every DAY Devin's learning new things, doing new things, saying new words. And I've been slacking here a LOT, so we've been missing milestones :P.

So, let's see, what has Devin been up to? She sits longer for stories now, though she still enjoys just pointing to the pics and asking what they are. Actually she's HUGE into the "what's THIS??" game, pointing to anything and everything to hear its name. She really plays games, by herself and with others. She "feeds" her dolls and makes them dance and sorts her little shape blocks and stacks her books. She loves her toy stroller. She chooses toys to play with, and her favorites vary. She can sometimes sort her blocks correctly. She can climb up onto the sofa all on her own now. When she wants something she'll come up to me, take my hand or grab my leg and lead me to what she wants. She absolutely makes her desires known. She is just as social as ever, flirty and SUCH a ham, taking THEIR hand, whoever they are, and letting THEM know wat she wants ;). I hear her called Instant Baby Fever, hehe. She plays with other kids, sharing toys, feeding them, and just running around with them. She LOVES slides, and is a fan of swings and the play areas. She can go up to the top of the slide on her own now and she slides ALL by herself! She fights holding hands, but she is good about walking with me and keeping close to me. She walks more than she's carried or pushed now :). But as fiercely independant as she is, she does seek me out still, and she'll ask for my help sometimes when she's climbing or sliding *beams*. And when she's tired and she wants to be carried and she lays her head on my shoulder it's just the best feeling ever.

The talking, OH the talking!! :) Words, words, words. She started saying "no" about 3 weeks ago. She started asking "Why?" about 2 weeks ago. When she wants my attention she screams "MA!!". She names body parts, she makes animal noises, she randomly mimics what we're saying. Her vocab includes: hi, hello, bye, buh bye, wall, ba (ball, balloon), knee, eye, neck, woof, meow, mama/mom/mommy, nana, ooo, uh oh, boom, yuck, oww, sowwy (sorry), hop (hop or bunny), cheese, ham (said "haaam"), home (sounds similar to haaam), wee (playground or outside), choo choo (it was train, but I think it's car now), shoes, hat, duck (most birds are now ducks), quack, woof (dog), baby, up, bam (down), see, mmm, nom (food, paci), boop (boob), poo poo, pee pee, ice, juice, mik (milk), teesh (teeth), muah (kisses), shhh (sleep), what's this, no, yeah, why, ca co (cock a doodle doo), moo, baa, rawr (lion, tiger, dragon, dinosaur), oo oo ah ah (monkey), boppy, wawa (water), tea, hot, help... and I'm sure I'm missing a ton of words, but that's a good taste of her growing vocab. There are also some words that I don't hear anymore, like dada, ish (fish), ca (car), tuk (truck), chest, stop... She is also still babbling, chattering and carrying on in ways that I just don't understand :). It's wonderful.

This girl is CONSTANTLY moving. I don't think she's gained too much weight, she's on the go so much. She can go up and down the stairs all by herself. She can unscrew caps and it starting to be able to screw them. She scribbles well. She can re-cap pens ;). She adores balls. She gives kisses and hugs when asked. She throws kisses! She gives high fives and pounds it!! She knocks on doors, and she can now open my front door. She flips switches. She will go and get things when I ask. She throws out her trash in the garbage. She wipes her face with a napkin. She washes her hands, though she really likes to play in the water. She LOVES bath time and swimming too! She puts her own shoes on, but she prefers to be naked. She throws herself into my arms, off the sofa or into the pool ;). She is quite the fearless little daredevil and climbs and jumps and is all over the place. She hops! She stomps! She loves it when I pick her up and swing, throw or toss her all over. I see rollercoasters in her future ;). She still dances all over the place and she SINGS, all the time now!! We'll mirror dance, where I'll do something and then she'll do it. Favorite songs include the Mama Mia soundtrack, ABCs, Lollipop from the Gateway commercial, Itsy Bitsy Spider WITH hand gestures, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes also with gestures, and anything with a good dance beat ;). Actually she likes a lot of what I listen to ;). She sings doo doo doo, lalala, bom, bom... she sings randomly to herself now!! And when she recognizes a song she mumbles along with it! Her mumbled alphabet is the BEST. And her laugh? Infectious!! Her laugh just enamors me when we're playing or I'm noming her or she's joyful over a new discovery or she just got what she wanted, heh.

I don't want her to be a huge TV baby, but I can't help it, I almost always have the TV on for noice. BUT, as such, I can see what shows she really likes :). She is a PBS kid, as that's on most often. She LOVES Curious George, Sid the Science Kid, Super Why and Sesame Street (thankfully ALL of them and not just Elmo!). She likes Martha Speaks. The rest just catch her interest here and there, especially if they sing ;). We also like the VH1 top 20 countdown ;). And the best part about tv? It's a tie between TV cuddle time, sweet baby scootched up next to me on the sofa, and when she hops up and busts it out, taking me wiht her!

She seems to really like ducks. She is a HUGE fan of playing outside, smelling flowers, exploring everything. She likes riding toys. She recently discovered blanket tents and pillow forts :D. She knows how to work most of her toys now. She likes little figures that fit in her hand. Cars too. She's still into her bags and necklaces. She's become a huge cashew fan. She does love her juice, but I water it down a lot :). She still eats everything, ALL the time, but there are preferences and choices now, and veggies are falling by the wayside a bit, heh. She'll point to her mouth and say "mmm!" or rub her tummy and say "nommy!" when she really likes something. She likes dried figs, lunch meat, cheese, crackers, bananas, yogurt, goldfish and still loves her pasta pick-ups. She loves ice cream but itsn't really into chocolate. She knows where the cheese sticks are and tries to get them herself. She uses both her fork and spoon successfully now. She can drink from a normal cup successfully now too, but then she walks and the contents splash everywhere. She still has her straw cup but she loves her new big girl sippy cups. She eats cereal with milk in her little bowls ALL by herself! She's starting to actually eat sandwiches too instead of deconstrucing them immediately. And when she's done with something she'd gotten MUCH better about handing it to me instead of just tossing it.

She greets me with a running hug. She knows who is who, pointing to Uncle Albie or Nani or Grampy when asked "Where is *person X*?" She loves the kitties and tries to pet them when she can. She loves most animals,in fact. She is interested in me on the toilet and even "wipes" herself when I'm in there, but we've not started potty training yet. And when she farts she covers her mouth and says "OOO!", then giggles. I love her little ooo! Since she's been sick she's taken to picking her nose, but I don't exactly blame her. She LOVES to help, carrying bags or rearranging furniture, moving laundry or "washing" dishes, lotioning or soaping up :). She tries to close the child safety locks if she finds them open. She likes to sit next to me on the sofa... but really she likes to climb up and sit everywhere. She loves her duck doll and her boppy, and she calls my body pillow a boppy too. She likes laying on pillows. She's still a paci girl. She LOVES hats, wearing hers often and taking it everywhere with her. She has great balance, she walks and runs and spins and twirls and climbs and hops and she's falling less and less.

Gosh!! There's just been SO MUCH in the last three months. I know that was a lot and all over the place, but there's just so much I don't wanna forget!! She is just such an amazing little lady.

She is in those "terrible two's" now. She's testing boundaries and "no" sees a lot of use, now that she uses it ;). She has this thing where if I don't do or give her what she wants right away she'll throw herself down on the floor and whine. Pleasant, heh. She'll cross her cubby little arms and pout and turn away from me. She has her fake "but I WANT it!" cry. She's also throwing things and hitting when she's frustrated or "denied". She always wants food but sometimes she just plays with it, and she doesn't like when I put it away again. She's opinionated, daring, independant, CRAZY alert and when she wants it, she wants it NOW. It's harder to put anything past her. But she is often easily distracted or redirected, and while I see this attitude at home, when we're out she's a perfect angel, the best little social, flirty baby ever. Extroverted, dominant and commanding but in a sweet way :). Her forcefullness is softening as she grows and becomes aware of others in her world. So I'll take the well behaved in public baby :). She has the whole world wrapped around her adorable little fingers, and she's hugging it tight.

She is a size 18 month. She is in a size 4 diaper. She's wearing a 6W shoe. She has 17 teeth that I know of. Her canines all cut without incident. Her hair is flipping out at the ends now, making her look more like a girl ;). She has the LONGEST eyelashes. She is a gorgeous creamy brown and is still delightfully pudgy. She's nursing about twice a day now and I'm really not pumping anymore. She doesn't want to lay in bed and nurse/cuddle in the morning anymore for maybe the last month or so, she prefers to have me on the sofa for her first nursing. She sleeps about 8pm-8am and usually takes 1 2-3 hour nap now, about 11-2 or 3, unless she poops herself awake or we have a busy day, then sometimes there's a second nap. She's REALLY good about rolling with the punches when our schedule gets messed up. She is just SO easy going and active. She is full of spunk and personality and is my sweetest little chaos agent ever!! :)

word, sleep, chaos, playing, pic, tantrum, food, upate, devin, milestone

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