17 months!!

Mar 07, 2009 20:50

My big fat baby is 17 months old!! Eee!!

Surfing the baby web ;).

Milestones update:

Everything else plus:
17 months
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
• Uses six words regularly YES, mama, dada, nom nom, hi, what'sthat?, woof woof (see below)
• Enjoys pretend games YES, she is the dress up queen
• Likes riding toys YES
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
• Feeds doll No... uh... she makes them dance and kisses them though
• Speaks more clearly YES, I think, this one is sketchy though...
• Throws a ball underhand YES
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
• Dances to music YES... Uhh... since before she was one!! Sings too :)
• Sorts toys by color, shape, or size MAYBE, she likes to organize, that's for sure
• Kicks ball forward NO, not that I've seen

More milestone info.

This last month was definitely a bigger month.

I watch her play and how it evolves and it constantly amazes me. There is very little going in her mouth these days, unless she's teething badly. She's even getting better about not tearing paper that she's playing with or "reading". She is all about arranging, REarranging, putting things in and taking things out. She was arranging her bead necklaces on the sofa, on her left, then on her right, over and over. She empties and fills her purse. There's a box of dolls she loves to empty and fill too. If she picks up a book upside down, she flips it the right way now! Her interests in her toys varies, and right now she's very into her purse, beads and her little laptop. She likes to carry stuffed animals all over too. And she LOVES to roam the hallway outside our door. She loves playing with other children, and while she's still pretty rough and aggressive, she IS learning gentle, and she's a good sharer. With everyone really :). Still super social, though we have an adorable early shyness. She's so active and energetic!

She loves to carry my stepstool around, then sit on it.

"I'm going out shopping Mom, see you later!!" *waves and takes off* ;)

I dunno WHERE this cheesy smile came from!

Multitasking? Or a... BEAD ATTACK!!

She's still quite the mimic, and I'm sure that'll only increase. She's seen massages and now she'll rub my back or my leg, it's so sweet! She LOVES to sit in chairs like a big girl! She works my phone, TOO well sometimes ;). She's trying to dress and undress but she can't quite do it yet. She CAN put on hats, and put them on me too! She brushes her teeth, though there is a lot of tooth brush chewing. We dance, and she TOTALLY busts it out. She has some sweet moves, like this one arm pump. She is a BIG fan of the What's this game, where she points to body parts on me or pics in one of her books and asks what everyhting is. She likes to rub my hair. Sometimes it's a "this is MY hair, this is YOUR hair" thing, but sometimes... I dunno why. Guess she likes the feel. And, of course, if I'm eating, she MUST be eating too. She wants what I have, and sometimes she'll ask for a bite of my food, the offer me a bite of hers. It's so sweet. She's a little pickier, but really she still eats a TON. Where she packs it all away, I have NO idea.

Undressing? *laughs* It's an 18mo sleeper, CLEARLY a touch large on her.

*bee boo bee boo* "Hello, hello??" *laughs* She mimicked my "hello, hello" I always say when she does that today too! *squees*

She's sitting at the diningroom table perusing a sales flier. She crosses her little ankles like this a lot now too, it's so cute!

Nom noming a cupcake.

Feeding me!

She's finally said a few new words. Her former vocab was mama, dada, nom nom, what'sthat? or what'sthis?, woof woof and hi. Nom nom was for food, drink or boob and woof woof was for most animals. This month we added hot, juice and ba for ball, all really this last week. She understands hot cause she touched something hot and that's what we said - she took a bite of something, took it out of her mouth, looked at me and said hot! Juice is what we call all drinks to try to separate it from nom nom. There's also "ooh, ah!", her monkey sound! She kinda makes a "k" sound for the kitties, but it's not consistant. She's VERY into the cats, btw. There's "caw", but I don't know if that's a word or just a sound. She's making a "yes" sound, but I think it might still be just a sound. She does this "Ssshhh... aahhh..." thing, but I'm pretty sure that's just noise, like her tongue clucking. When she falls or something takes effort there's her "ooh!" or "oof!". If she pokes my nose and I don't beep, she's go "booo..." till I pick up with a long
"beeeeeee-pah!" And... that's about it. She is mimicking sounds, and she's still babbling like she's story telling :).

Poor Aiden puts up with so much...

She's moving more and more into her 12-18mo clothes. 9-12mo is slowly getting too small! She is still in her size 3 pampers and her 4W shoes, though her toes are getting close to the end. She goes down about 8pm and she's waking at 6:30am pretty much every morning now :(. She takes a short morning nap which I really think is the rest of her night sleep, then 2 1.5-2 hour naps during the day. That girl loves her sleep. She's cutting that mysterious 5th upper incisor, for a current grand total of 13 teeth. Eep! And as far as temperment she is VERY stubborn, determined and independent. She's becoming defiant, especially when she's not feeling well, but my Sweet Little Baby usually isn't TOO far away ;).

And... that's a 17 month old Devin!!

She wants the camera. Bad.

She's coming in for a leg hug :D.

aiden, word, sleep, toy, pic, devin, food, teething, cat, clothes, milestone

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