*points at tile above* I warned ya.
So the latest family joke is that my upper lip is "Mordor" because I have a massive fever blister there that I had to get rid of and now it is disgusting and red and scabby. It's finally healing itself up now but for a while I would look into the mirror and expect to see the Eye of Sauron looking back at me between my mouth and nose. I've had to "pop" (although you don't pop them) it several times because it keeps coming back and forming new little "branches." Getting rid of them is horribly painful and to add to that I had another sore in my mouth that I also had to get rid of. I have also developed a rather massive zit on my chin that has been dubbed "The Lonely Mountain" to keep in with the Lord of the Rings theme.
Anyways, my disgusting health details aside, it's been good lately if not full of some minor family drama.
Firstly, Adam came home on Wednesday and we all got to see him for the first time since MAY. He did a lot of gallivanting off, but the two of us did get to do some stuff together. We went to Daily Juice and did some hanging out and we also had a family game night at some point wherein I was thoroughly beaten at Clue. I am a horrible Clue player, even though I love to play. ^^;; It was REALLY nice to see him. I've missed him all summer, but fortunately I'm going to be seeing quite a bit of him in a few weeks when we're both back at school.
Last week when we went to my grandparent's house, we went partially to pick out things that we basically wanted to inherit after they've passed away. It sounds incredibly morbid, but it's really my grandparents' way of ensuring that there won't be squabbles for their things after it happens and it also cuts down on taxes and things. I'm not entirely sure how the tax thing works (I should get one of you lawyer-types to explain it to me) but apparently it makes sense. My grandparents have a lot of very nice things, including a rather spectacular collection of art and scupltures which my grandfather has been accumulating for decades, so it really is a good thing.
It was a somewhat surreal thing for me because when my dad's parents died, all of their things were willed to my Aunt Susan, who is... kinda off. She's my dad's older sister and the two of them have a rather strained relationship. In fact, they're all but estranged so we really don't see or hear from that branch of the family very often. But not even a day or two after we got back from HE and Grandad's Mom gets a call out of the frickin' blue from my Aunt Susan saying that she has all of my grandparent's things in a storage unit and that we should come and pick stuff out because they want to get rid of it all.
What the heck? Is it Inheritance Week and nobody told me about it?
This mostly just affects me because Adam is already back in Lubbock and Alex simply doesn't care because he doesn't even remember my dad's parents. So Mom and I made tentative plans to go up to Oklahoma City to look through things. First, however, Mom decided that she needed to let Dad know because it is HIS family, after all. She also wanted to tell him that if there was anything he wanted that we'd be very willing to bring it back to him. Aunt Susan told Mom pretty definitively that the invitation was extended ONLY to her and us kids and that Dad was NOT invited. This is understandable, considering that they don't SPEAK. So you would think that Dad would understand.
Wrong. He totally flipped his shit. He bawled Mom out about how she needs to stay out of his family's business and how she and Aunt Susan are no longer sisters in law and how it's "inappropriate" and this and that and the other. Nevermind, of course, how blindingly hypocritical it is because Dad still has close relationships with several of Mom's family members. Anyhow, there was a lot of confusion and finally it was decided that just Dad and I are going up there. Yeah. Because that won't be awkward or weird or anything.
I'm pretty sure we're going Monday morning and returning Tuesday evening, so it will be a very short trip. Quite a bit of it will be spent driving, as it's seven hours there and back. I'm feeling apprehension about it, but I'm doing my best to go in there and make the best of a potentially HORRIFICALLY AWKWARD SITUATION.
In other news, I quit my GameStizzle job and I'm feeling pretty freakin' happy about it. I cleaned another apartment for Kris yesterday and I'm going tomorrow to do some work for Dad. Hurrah for random money-making chores!
And now some links (Hey I'm pulling a Tim!):
How many of these can you identify?
And for those if you into Pokemon (or raunchy word play) this is hilarious:
Click to view
It's kinda NSFW but absurdly funny if you get it.
Randomly: Can you guys think of a way to phrase "family drama" without using the word "drama?" I've been thinking about just making a "family drama" tag, but I think the word "drama" is WAY overused.