Jun 08, 2010 00:36
No, she doesn't (regularly) read this, but I feel like I oughta say something just 'cause.
It was a good weekend. I ran a bunch of errands (washed car, bought Lady Gaga cd) headed over to Deb's in San Antonio on Friday and spent the day there with her (fried catfish was had!) and then spent the night at her friend Mike's with a bunch of other people. Had Little Caesar's pizza and pie and played a LOT of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I had never played it before, but had a lot of fun! I played as Deadpool the entire time. Natch.
Saturday I woke up looking like Ke$ha as a result of getting a grand total of three hours of sleep and going to bed wearing heavy eyeliner. Deb and I headed out and took her friend Cat home and then spent some time bumming around SA. We grabbed lunch and went to her comic book shop, where I fawned over a Booster Gold action figure. ONE DAY. Then I drove home, immediately took a shower and then spent the rest of the day vegging out because I was exhausted. I also got to play with my newly-acquired ULTRA SHINY new phone. YAY.
Sunday.... Ummm.... this is bad, but I cannot remember what I did Sunday. I remember watching the MTV Movie Awards and being irritated that Twilight won everything. And I remember having inexplicable crippling stomach pain for no reason. And I finally finished off season 3 of Dexter. Such a good show.
Today was a good one. It's Mom's birthday, so I decided to clean the house for her. I ended up waking Kiddo up at the crack of 1:30 PM and was kind of irked at how cranky he was about it, but that's okay. The two of us were going to run errands, but the cleaning I wanted to do ended up taking longer than I anticipated so I told him to go ahead and do whatever he needed to do. And then he ended up getting stuck in traffic after being unable to get into Dad's place, so he was in a really foul mood for a big chunk of the day. Whoops.
I spent the majority of the day straightening up the house and mopping while watching Ouran, which is excellent background noise for cleaning. I also played a TON of Pokemon. Got into the Safari Zone and caught THREE Abras, a Girafarig, and a Smeargle. A Smeargle, I shit you not. I forget those even EXIST most of the time. I also busted out ye olde Pokewalker and FINALLY got my hands on a Gastly. Yes, I am Poke-blogging. Yes.
Tonight Kiddo, Mom and I went to a nice steakhouse with the Stanfords, who happen to be old friends of the family as well as Mom's boss. I had lamb chops, which I normally love but I didn't feel so good right after dinner. It was a pretty good time overall. Kiddo and I skipped out a bit early because we had to go pick up Miss Boo from the airport! Poor thing ended up waiting there for quite a while because her flight had gotten in early and because our dinner ended up going longer than expected! It was made all the more inconvenient by the fact that she was phone-less. She's a total trooper though.
Came home and helped Boo unpack, which led to presents and nostalgia. Old notebooks! Old movies! OLD RONIN WARRIORS ARTBOOKS. NOSTALGIA!! It was awesome. And then she finally conked out because she was a tired, tired Boo Monster.
And now I am in Kiddo's room, being absolutely mesmerized by him playing Plants Vs. Zombies. Holy crap this game is awesome.
Tomorrow I get to run by the GameStizzle and run a few other errands. And Noelle's coming by too! Hurrah!
fun stuff,
daily life,