Apr 28, 2009 11:04
Meaning, it's the beginning of the end of the beginning of my born-again school career. It kind of makes sense.
I stayed up way too late last night. WAY too late. Why? I was talking with Deb about closet-costumery because there is a comic expo happening in Lubbock on Saturday. Conveniently enough, my last final is Saturday morning, so we may run over there after as a bit of post-school geekery. Unfortunately, most of my closet-cosplay stuff is at home, but we may try to ghetto-rig something at the last minute anyways. I'd love it if I could get Mom to mail me my Two-Face shirt and makeup... Maybe I'll call her and ask if she'd be willing to do that.
Speaking of cosplay, I'm still wanting to try to do SOMETHING for A-kon this year, but I just don't know what. Lord Licorice would be immensely fun, but I have an idea of the costume in my head that I want to do and I just don't think I can do it on the time and budget that I'll have. Ah well! I did find a pair of leather pants at the Lubbock Savers yesterday that I might try to do something with, but again - we'll just have to see.
The end of school has been going okay. I'm getting B's in both Geology and my Geology Lab, so that's okay as far as I'm concerned. I'm giving my final (group) speech for my Communication class and then I'll be done with that... Then all that's left is my Psychology final on Thursday. I'm not entirely happy with how things got shoved to the last minute with that class, but I think that if I just kick ass studying, I'll be okay. I'm hoping for a solid B. I probably could have hoped for a B+ or A if I hadn't fucked up, but c'est la vie. A B- and a B+ are worth the same in the long run. And then of course there's Latin. I've already started going over my vocab (I AM SUCH A GOOD KID) and I intend to cloister myself away all of Friday to just saturate myself in Latin, so... here's hoping it works.
In other news, I'm irked at Dad for making a return to his shitfucker habits, but oh well. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that he's been sick and apparently has job stress and try not to hold it against him.
I'm kind of out of sorts because I slept on my neck wrong or SOMETHING because it hurts really badly today. Speaking of which, here's the weird dream I had last night:
Last night I dreamed about a very weird version of Neverland (I blame this on watching Hook before bed) where the lost boys were all probably between twelve and fourteen years old. There was one girl (sometimes I was her and sometimes I was "myself") who was a LOT like a more butch version of Namine from Kingdom Hearts. Instead of fighting pirates, we fought what looked to be military guys who were read by Kurt Russell. (Yes, that Kurt Russell.) But instead of Neverland, it was one big... house/compound/bunker/thing. So we were fighting in normal hallways and on staircases like you'd see at home.
And then at some point, I was given a copy of Kingdom Hearts 3 and spent the rest of the game looking for a TV to play it on. And Deb popped up at one point. My dreams know me too well.
And now it's time to get back to work. Later, all.
texas tech,